
Twilio ACD example

Primary LanguageCSS


Twilio ACD example - written with Ruby and Websockets

Pre requisites:

  • Twilio Account, Account SID, Auth Token
  • Salesforce instance, ability to create a Call Center
  • Heroku account, heroku installed
  • Git, account set up


  1. git clone https://github.com/choppen5/client-acd.git

  2. cd client-acd

  3. bundle install

  4. set environment variables:







The method of setting these will vary by platform. On Mac, you can: "export twilio_account_sid=AC11ecc_your_account" but that will only last during that session. Another option is edit you .bash_profile, and add: export twilio_account=sid=C11ecc_your_account for all the variables.

Starting the process locally

To start the process, if everything is set, within the client-acd folder: ruby client-acd.rb

This will start the process - locally for testing. To use this with Salesforce, Twilio, you will have to use a local tunnel service like Ngrok or LocalTunnel, or deploy to Heroku.

Deploy to Heroku

To deploy to Heroku:

  • heroku create ( note the name of the created Heroku(
  • set the env variables

You can set ALL the environment variables with this command (replace with your auth tokens etc): heroku config:set twilio_account_sid=AC11ecc09xxxxxx twilio_account_token=2ad0fb4ab2xxxxxxxxxxxxx twilio_app_id=APab79b652xxxxxxxxx twilio_caller_id=+14156xxxxx twilio_queue_name=CustomerService twilio_dqueue_url=https://me.herokuapp.com/voice

  • Enable websockets: heroku labs:enable websockets -a myapp

Salesforce configuration

  1. Go to Call Centers > Create
  2. Import a call center config included, DemoAdapterTwilio.xml
  3. Change the URL to the address of the Heroku server