Voluntarily developed for Newport Corporation
- If you are looking for an executable, head to the releases and download the latest one, or click here.
- If you are looking to test this and run the python code
- Clone the repository
- Before first run, launch the build-gui-files.bat file (Only has to be done once after cloning/pulling new version)
- Run the app.py script
Waiting on response from Newport Corporation on functionality that they would like to see implemented, or removed, to continue with development.
Currently on first working version. Missing functionality is:
- Tabs 2 & 3
- Time calculation (other than machine time) in table
Developed with expansion in mind, so expanding from 1 to 3 tabs (or more) should require minimal modifications to code, most of which are already labeled as todo items. Also, optimization was not the focus, simply functionality, since it is a relatively small application.
There is one mistake I made in terms of development that causes it to be quite a bit slower than it could be (which is not storing planets within the machines), but I only thought of this after having written most of the code. May restructure to fix this later.