
Show state of hosts or applications using i3bar input protocol

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This tool shows up/warn/down state of configured hosts or applications using i3bar input protocol.



You should create a configuration file .checkbar.toml in your home directory, e.g.

# Update interval in seconds. Default value if not set is 60 sec.
interval = 60

name = "Host 1"
url = "https://host1.example.com"

name = "Host 2"
url = "https://host2.example.com"

name = "App 1"
url = "https://app.example.com/actuator/health"
check_type = "Actuator"

name = "App 2"
url = "tcp://app.example.com:12345"
check_type = "Tcp"

The value for interval can be set by using plain seconds or using units. Accepted units:

  • h, hour, hours

  • m, min, mins, minute, minutes

  • s, sec, secs, second, seconds

Unparseable values will default to 60 seconds.

# Update interval using seconds as number.
interval = 60

# or ...

# Update interval using value with units.
interval = "2m 30s"

Each host or application to be checked consists of name and url.

You can optionally specify check_type:

  • Html: Default value, checks if a request is successful and returns HTTP OK - 200.

  • Actuator: Like Html, but checks if Actuator shows that the application is up and running.

    • Up: Actuator response indicates, application is up and running.

    • Warn: Got response, but it is not Actuator health UP response or redirect.

    • Down: No response.

  • Tcp: Checks if TCP connection to given host and port can be established

To use more than one configuration, pass the config file location to be used as first argument to the application.

$ checkbar /etc/checkbar_example.toml


To change the colors, use the following configuration. As an example, the colors of the default configuration are shown.

up = "#00FF00"
warn = "#FFFF00"
down = "#FF0000"

The color configuration is optional. If used, all colors must be specified.

Execute commands

You can also specify a command to be executed when a mouse click occurs on a checked host. Use click_cmd to specify the command to be executed, e.g.

name = "Host 1"
url = "http://host1.example.com"
click_cmd = "xterm -e ssh admin@host1.example.com"