This repository hosts vital files of my work using zero-bias deep neural networks for abnormality detection.
Please be noted that this repository will be updated continuously.
Remember to download dataset (real ADS-B signals, in I/Q format with a sample rate 8MHz, at Daytona Beach International Airport) from the following urls:
Direct Link:
is the main entry using zero-bias DNN for abnormality data (non-sequential) detection as well as visualizing the decision boundaries of zero-bias DNN
is a toy example using MNIST data to show the normal and abnormal data in zero-bias DNN with Voronoi diagram to depict the decision boundaries.
Implement continual learning on zero-bias DNN. Especially, it contains codes for Elastic Weight Consolidation and how to use custom loop to train a DNN on real data.
A numerical simulation to show theoretically how many different new classes (fingerprints) can be learned from the perspective of zero-bias DNN.
We use the DroneRF dataset to verify the effectiveness of our methods.