
This is a starter form built using valid HTML5 and CSS3.

#Starter form

This is a starter form built using valid HTML5 and CSS3.

It details a common set of requirements and considerations, including different input types, flexible markup and basic layout variations.

Built using a BEM naming convention, this example can easily convert to any other build setup.

##How it works

Input types include the following:

  • Text
  • Password
  • Tel
  • Email
  • Textarea
  • Select
  • Radio
  • Checkbox

HTML markup:

The following HTML details a general setup.

	<div class="form" role="form">
			<legend>Sample legend</legend>
			<div class="form__row">
				<div class="form__desc-group">
					<div class="form__desc-item">
						<label for="sample">Label name</label>
				<div class="form__control-group">
					<div class="form__control-item">
						<span class="form__control-entry">
							<input type="text" id="sample" />

Inline form modifier

An inline modifier can be used to alter the form layout. This modifier places desc-groups and control-groups side-by-side - which can be a common requirement.

<div class="form form--inline">

Inline control modifier

An inline modifier can also be applied to control groups and control items. This modifier places groups and/or items side-by-side.

<div class="form__control-group form__control-group--inline">
	<div class="form__control-item form__control-item--inline">


An error modifier can be applied to each required row for validation styling.

<div class="form__row form__row--error">

Entry additions

Entry additions can be added for presentation or navigation. The placement of this can be configured using a left or right modifier, as shown in the example.

<!-- Part of a form row -->
<div class="form__control-item">
	<span class="form__control-entry form__control-entry--icon-left">
		<input type="password" id="sample">
		<span class="form__control-icon form__control-icon--padlock"></span>

##Custom radio and checkbox inputs

Custom radio and checkboxes have been included using this tried and tested technique

In addition, there is an optional JavaScript file which has a jQuery dependency. This sets classes on input focus and blur which is useful for highlighting on keyboard navigation.

##Browser Support

Tested using the following browsers/devices:

  • Latest desktop versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
  • Internet Explorer 8 and above.
  • iOS 6.0, 6.1, 7.0 (Mobile Safari and Google Chrome)
  • Android 4.3, 4.4 (Google Chrome)

##Demo View demo