Easily manage the 9,000 eval-after-load
calls scattered throughout
your ~/.emacs.d
Use MELPA: M-x package-install easy-after-load
Call easy-after-load
at some point in your emacs initialization:
If you have the file after-loads/after-ruby-mode.el
, that file will be
loaded immediately after Emacs loads ruby-mode.el
. You can then add to your
, or setq
some things, whatever you want:
; after-loads/after-ruby-mode.el
(add-hook 'ruby-mode 'yard-mode) ; shameless plug: https://github.com/pd/yard-mode.el
(add-hook 'ruby-mode 'eldoc-mode)
Additionally, a function easy-auto-mode
makes maintaining
your auto-mode-alist
entries much simpler:
'((ruby-mode "\\.rake$" "Rakefile$" "Guardfile$" "Gemfile$"
"\\.gemspec$" "\\.?irbrc$" "\\.rabl$" "\\.ru$")
(markdown-mode "\\.md$" "\\.markdown$")))
By default, easy-after-load
looks for files matching after-*.el
in the
directory <user-emacs-directory>/after-loads
. You can alter this behavior
in the following ways:
;; Load from a different directory
(setq easy-after-load-directory (expand-file-name "package-configs/" user-emacs-directory)
;; Alternatively, ignore the easy-after-load-directory variable entirely:
(easy-after-load (expand-file-name "package-configs/" user-emacs-directory))
;; Recognize a different pattern
; The first subexpression should match the name of the feature to run after;
; this will load "init-yard-mode.el" after "yard-mode" is loaded.
(setq easy-after-load-pattern "^init-\\(.+\\).el$")
;; Completely change how to guess what to load.
; This function is given the name of every "*.el" file in easy-after-load-directory;
; it should return the name of the feature that the file should be loaded after.
(setq easy-after-load-function (lambda (file)
; Given that I am completely insane, I store my
; after-load file for "ruby-mode.el" in "le.edom-ybur"
(concat (nreverse (string-to-list file)))))
I totally stole this idea from el-get. But then I stopped using el-get, so I reimplemented it in a more generic fashion.