
Simple command line tool to handle installation, update and management of common Java based tools

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

What is jtools ?

jtools is a set of scripts, available as a single command, to easily manage your favorite JVM-based tools: Currently targeted at build tools, it support installation/upgrade/removal of :

  • Maven
  • SBT
  • Gradle
  • Leiningen

However, feel free to suggest support for additional tools on jtools's issue tracker !

Why use jtools when I can use a package manager ?

This is indeed a reasonable question.

You could very well use any package manager available for your OS. However, using a package manager has two huge flaws :

  • They are so many package managers, sometimes several per OS/distro, each using their own packaging format. It it hard to manage several computers with possibly different OSes in the same fashions as tools differs.
  • They depend on the good will of maintainers that will bundle new versions for each package manager

jtools hope to solve these issues (for JVM-based tools at least) by:

  • Relying only on bash scripts, with as few external dependencies as possible. ATM, only either wget/curl/httpie and Git are required, which are quite common tools for a developer :)
  • Installing directly from upstreams source, either through Git or by installing from the official distributions


Clone jtools :

git clone https://github.com/pdalpra/jtools.git ~/.bin/jtools

Then, in your .bashrc/.zshrc/your shell's startup file, add:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.bin/jtools/bin
eval $(jtools init -)
export PATH=$PATH:$(jtools path)



jtools exposes several subcommands, one for each supported tool :

  • jtools maven
  • jtools gradle
  • jtools sbt
  • jtools lein

In turn, each of those subcommands expose three subcommands :

  • install
  • update
  • remove

This subcommands allows you to either install, update or remove the selected tool.


To install all four tools, type :

$ jtools maven install
$ jtools gradle install
$ jtools sbt install
$ jtools lein install 

update and remove works in the same way as install:

$ jtools maven upgrade
$ jtools gradle upgrade
$ jtools sbt upgrade
$ jtools lein upgrade 

jtools maven home

jtools maven also offers and an additional subcommand, home, to easily export Maven's install path to the M2_HOME environment variable:

eval "$(jtools maven home)"



jtools is licensed under the MIT license. Pull requests are welcome :) The source codes lives in https://github.com/pdalpra/jtools

### Issues ? Feature requests ?

Feel free to report any bug or reques additional tools supports or enhancements on jtools issue tracker !