
Primary LanguagePython

Monitoring Apartment with Raspberry Pi, Prometheus & Grafana

For quite some time, I had a spare Raspberry Pi lying around in my place. And one weekend I came up with idea to make my apartment "smarter". What I mean by saying "smarter" is tracking some metrics of my surroundings.

I have some experience in working with Prometheus and Grafana, so I decided to incorporate those tools into my solution. Yes, it does sound like overengineering simple task, you can probably get same results in much simpler way : ).

By deploying this project with all its components, you'll be able to track these metrics:

  • Room temperature
  • Humidity
  • Movement
  • Nearby bluetooth devices
  • Connected network devices

Hardware components

These are all the component, I used in my project:

Connecting DHT11 Sensor to Raspberry Pi

I connected Ground pin to the Ground of Raspberry PI, Data Pin to GPIO 14 pin, Vcc pin to 3.3V power supply pin.

Connecting HC-SR501 Sensor to Raspberry Pi

I connected Ground pin to the Ground of Raspberry PI, Data Pin to GPIO 17 pin, Vcc pin to 5V power supply pin.

Reading sensor data

For reading DHT11 sensor data and feeding it to Prometheus, I chose DHT11_Python library, which is quite unstable, and sometimes does not return valid results, so you might get some gaps in your graphs. For HC-SR501, I wrote simple python code myself. You can browse source code of this project, for more details: - application/temperature.py & application/dht11.py for temperature & humidity readings; - application/motion.py for motion sensor; - application/webapp.py for prometheus endpoint.

Prometheus configuration

To scrape metrics from my Flask API, I've added configuration to prometheus.yml:

    scrape_interval: 30s
    - job_name: 'pihome'
        - targets: [pihome:5000]

Grafana Configuration

Then, in /etc/grafana/provisioning, I've added datasource configuration:

apiVersion: 1
  - name: Prometheus
    type: prometheus
    url: http://prometheus:9090/
    access: proxy
    isDefault: true

It is also possible to add Grafana dashboards to provisioning folder as json files, so that you don't need to create new dashboard each time you re-deploy Grafana.

Connecting everything together

To make everything portable and easy to install, I packed my Flask API to Docker image and configured all services in docker-compose.yaml. To deploy whole stack you have to add .env file with some configuration properties:


After adding .env, file run docker-compose build & docker-compose up -d.


Usefull resources