
In my spare time, I am a graphic designer. In my work, I was facing a situation when I had to generate manually a lot of project files which was time-consuming for me. Thus, I wanted to automate the process. The code is suitable only for a given layout of the .xlsx file, however, maybe you might find something handy in it.

The Python project was written in object-oriented paradigm in order to help me generating InDesign project files based on Excel worksheet. The code consists of three files:

  • - main function with argument parser from a command line
  • - reading data from a worksheet, parsing it to JSON files. Data consist of the name and the location of the event, the format of the poster and the date.
  • - creating simple text schedules (needed to my work) and generate .indd files with proper names, formats, slugs, bleeds and margins basing on the previously parsed data.

In the project, I used openpyxl to read data from the worksheet and win32com to open my distribution of Adobe InDesign.

The code considering InDesign scripting was based on the lohriialo repository.