Native UniDOS and cross compilers for assembler and Small-C for CPU HD6303.
Assembler is based on MOS Technology 6502 assembler for BBC Micro by A.J.Travis and J.G.Harston
Small-C is based on Ron Cain's Small-C V1.1 adapted for Flex by S. Stepanoff
The original assemblers do not support HD6303 extended commands. In addition, they cannot assemble the source texts of system programs without cross-compiling, due to lack of memory. In this regard, it was decided to write a new assembler that is compatible with UniCROSS, but works both in cross compilation mode and native mode in UniDOS.
unias [-D IDENT] [-l [prog.lst]] [-o prog[.cmd|.pgm]] prog.asm
-D IDENT Specify an identifier to use with the .ifdef and .ifndef directives.
-l [prog.lst] - listing output (if no file is specified, it is displayed on the screen).
-o prog[.cmd|.pgm] - output file name, extensions are created automatically, depending on compilation mode.
Differences between UniAS and UniCROSS:
- Unimplemented object files generation
- Directives for defining symbols EXTERN, PUBLIC are not supported
- RADIX translation control directive not supported
User manual for UniCROSS
Small-C is a subset of the C language and is optimized for use on systems with limited resources. It is used to build the UniAS assembler and itself.
unicc [-ctext] [-errstop] [-o outputfile] inputfile
-ctext - include program lines in assembler listing comments
-errstop - stop compilation on error
-o outputfile - output file name
Usage example
Using a text editor, create a hello.c program with the following content:
puts("Hello, world!");
Compile the program:
unicc hello.c
Assemble the resulting assembler file into binary:
unias hello.asm
Run the compiled program: