
Cannot see XCActionBar window (Xcode 6.2)

sergii-frost opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, I much appreciate work you have done, and I really lack such kind of tool.
But I am facing issue with XCActionBar when installed from Alcatraz.
I see new menu items under Window menu, and when I use shortcut Cmd+Shift+8 I see that menu blinks, but I cannot see XCActionBar itself. I would be happy helping you with any more additional information if I could only provide more details. I was thinking XCActionBar could be impacted with any other plugin, but I have removed all except Alcatraz and XCActionBar and restarted Xcode and still getting same behaviour. Shortcut invokes menu, I can invoke it manually as well, but cannot see bar still.

Hi, thanks for the kind words!

Did you have a previous installation of XCActionBar (perhaps you've built it and installed it yourself) before installing it via Alcatraz?

I've actually seen this issue once - but I had to install it via Alcatraz, on top of an existing (manual) installation - hence my questions. A couple of friends of mine saw the same issue, but I haven't had anyone else raising the problem so I didn't look into it again.
For some reason the plugin is failing to load the main window's nib file, and that's why you can't see the window.

I'm pretty sure it's not a conflict with other plugins, so we can exclude that.

BTW: I just tried removing my current installation and installing it via Alcatraz and managed to reproduce it. I'll try to take some time to look into this and keep you posted.

Thanks for raising it.

Ok, it seems like Alcatraz doesn't perform an xcodebuild clean before rebuilding a given plugin, and for reasons that I don't quite yet understand, when that happens, the xib files simply do not get compiled and ultimately do not end up getting copied over to their final destination.

I'm looking into possible solutions.

@pdcgomes thank you for your quick reply. Looking forward for updates :) let me know anytime if you need my help or some testing from my side. Thank you again!

Ok, I think I fixed it, or at least I can't reproduce the problem anymore.
Can you uninstall/install via Alcatraz and see if it's working for you now?

@pdcgomes Yes, I can see it now! thank you!
I will test now more of it :)
This will be a separate issue, but I have https://github.com/kattrali/cocoapods-xcode-plugin installed and it has "Create/Edit Podfile" submenu. When looking for it with XCActionBar my Xcode crashes on attempt to invoke it. But that is another story! Thank you for very quick fix of my issue 👍

Cool, great that it's working now!

Can you create a separate issue for the Cocoapods plugin problem? I'll take a look as soon as I have some spare time.

Yes, here it goes: #20
