
Sample Silverlight application using Castle Windsor container and DynamicProxy

Primary LanguageC#

This is a small Silverlight application that uses Castle Windsor 2.5 [1] as a Dependency Injection
container. Inside there are some general practices such as various methods to Register / Resolve
instances, life time management of objects as well as examples to show how you can add 
aspect-like features to your classes using Castle Dynamic Proxy.

To read more about the patterns and features of Windsor used in this sample application
you can check the wiki page [2] on castle webpage.

Think you can help? Send in your patches, comments or ideas at "h.eskandari@gmail.com".

[1] http://www.castleproject.org/
[2] http://stw.castleproject.org/Windsor.Silvertlight_Sample_App_Customer_contact_manager.ashx