Lesson 1 - Module 3 - Executing a Python Program Using the Ipython Interpreter
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When I ran the code:.
(base) C:\Users\me\Documents\examples\ch01>ipython RollDieDynamic.py 6000 1
The application did run but I received the following message in the terminal:
C:\Users\stste\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\seaborn_oldcore.py:1765: FutureWarning: unique with argument that is not not a Series, Index, ExtensionArray, or np.ndarray is deprecated and will raise in a future version.
order = pd.unique(vector)
Below are the versions of Seaborn and Matplotlib installed on my system listed below:
(base) C:\Users\me\Documents\examples\ch01>conda list seaborn
packages in environment at C:\Users\stste\anaconda3:
Name Version Build Channel
seaborn 0.12.2 py311haa95532_0
(base) C:\Users\me\Documents\examples\ch01>conda list matplotlib
packages in environment at C:\Users\stste\anaconda3:
Name Version Build Channel
matplotlib 3.8.2 py311h1ea47a8_0 conda-forge
matplotlib-base 3.8.2 py311h6e989c2_0 conda-forge
matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 py311haa95532_0
Question I have and I'm just starting to learn Python. Would creating a Virtual Environment folder with the dependencies for Seaborn and Matplotlib that worked when these Live Lessons were created?
For example:
1> I created a new folder in my documents folder called "virtualenv"
2> In the terminal list all the Python versions installed on my computer py --list
3> In my list of Python installs I have version 3.9
4> To create a new virtual environment I would enter the following: py -3.9 - m venv vepy390
vepy390 is the name of the new folder created when I run the above command
Python 3.9 files will be copied to the vepy390 virtual environment folder
Run the command: vepy390\Scripts\activate
The Scripts folder would contain the dependencies (version) for the code that worked back when the Live Lessons were created.
The issue would be to download the dependencies versions that were used and worked correctly without any errors
Thank you
I forgot to mention the Python file RollDieDynamic.py is dated 2/3/2023
I'll need to look into this further. The error message is not about something I use in the code directly, so it seems like an issue within the Seaborn library itself.