Files associated with our book Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science
- Ali8686
- b-piyaliPune, MH, India
- davelearning
- dpitre7566
- ececorluArchitectural BIM Services
- ElgranKike
- fikritraderste billgate sarl
- flores8Weights & Biases
- highlandreport
- IB72
- JauyshAlmaty, Kazakhstan
- jcreech72
- jhcloos
- jrvlimazeecode.io Consultant - Contractor @Lemongrasscloud
- Krabkvadrat
- larriagagr
- moekidu
- mpoonuruCOREHQ Network
- panosaleGreece
- pdeitelDeitel & Associates, Inc.
- qgjoluw
- RubenGavidiafreelance
- tamimendozaEspaña
- TWHessNM
- yudhafebriantaDirgatama
- zachjones007