Practicas_Criptografia - Master en Investigación en Ciberseguridad

Public key cryptography

Exercises about different public key algorithms implemented using Python language.

RSA Cipher

  • Generate a pair of RSA keys
  • Send an encrypted message encoded in UTF-8
  • Decrypt the message sent to you


  • Implement a function to generate a random prime p of n bits and a random appropriate generator g for G = Z/pZ*. Fix p to be of the form p = 2q + 1, where q is prime (q would be a Sophie Germain prime.
  • Implement a function that returns a pair of p and g obtained from RFC 3526
  • Given p = 7883, g = 2 and a user with gai ≡1876 mod p, form a common key with that user


  • Generate some valid p, g and public key β = g^ai
  • Send an encrypted message encoded in UTF-8
  • Decrypt the message sent to you

RSA Signature

  • Select one of the FIPS 180-4 hash functions to be used as part of the signature process and implement the signature scheme
  • Send an encrypted and signed message
  • Verify the signature and decrypt the message sent to you