collection3 - Web frontend for collectd ========================================= About ----- collection3 is a graphing front-end for the RRD files created by and filled with collectd. It is written in Perl and should be run as an CGI-script. Graphs are generated on-the-fly, so no cron job or similar is necessary. Layout ------ The files used by collection3 are organized in a typical UNIX fashion: The configuration resides in etc/, executable scripts are in bin/, supplementary Perl modules are in lib/ and static data for displaying the web page are in share/. All files in all subdirectories except bin/ should NOT be executable. Ideally, the webserver should not serve them either. Consider using `.htaccess' files or other means to configure the web server to deny access to these directories. Dependencies ------------ collection3 depends on the following Perl modules not included in the Perl distribution itself: * Config::General * Regexp::Common * HTML::Entities * RRDs Copyright and License --------------------- Copyright (C) 2008 Florian octo Forster <octo at> collection3 is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2).