Cube World Protocol

##Data Types

Data Type Example Description
byte 10 A 8 bit unsigned integer
int32 10 A 32 bit signed integer (little endian)
int64 10 A 64 bit signed integer (little endian)
uint32 10 A 32 bit unsigned integer (little endian)
uint64 10 A 64 bit unsigned integer (little endian)
string "Cubeworld" A UTF 16 Little Endian Encoded string prefixed with its size in chars
byte array { 1, 2, 3} A byte array, zlib compressed prefixed with its compressed size


Each packet is prefixed with a unique packet id (int32).

Unknown (0x02)


Packet ID Field Name Field Type Example Notes
0x02 Empty?
Total Size: 4 bytes

Unknown Client Version (0x03)

Server -> Client

Is sent on wrong client version

Packet ID Field Name Field Type Example Notes
Total Size: 4 bytes

Unknown (0x04)


Packet ID Field Name Field Type Example Notes
0x04 ??
Total Size: ?? bytes

Unknown (0x05)


Packet ID Field Name Field Type Example Notes
0x05 Unknown int32? 0 Unknown
        | Unknown        | uint32?    | 0xA0B46A04 | 0xA0B46A04 was spotted

Total Size: | 12 bytes

Unknown (0x10)


First Server -> Client packet

Packet ID Field Name Field Type Example Notes
0x10 Seems to be always 4464 bytes (+ id)
Total Size: 4468 bytes

Unknown (0x11)


Is sent by the client on login

Packet ID Field Name Field Type Example Notes
0x11 Client Version int32 3 Current Client Version: 3
Total Size: 8 bytes

World Seed (0x0F)


Packet ID Field Name Field Type Example Notes
0x0F Seed int32 26879 The Seed specified in server.cfg
Total Size: 8 bytes