
A project to map your products in your deposits.

Primary LanguageJava


A project developed by: Paulo Rodrigues.


A project to map your products in your deposits.

Railway Domain

Swagger Documentation

Insomnia Files

Class Diagram

Class Diagram

Functional Requirements

  • The system must allow Registering, Deleting, Updating, and Searching for Products:

    • Attributes:
      • Code
      • Description
      • Cost Price
  • The system must allow Linking Products to the warehouse

  • The system must allow Adding quantities of the product in the warehouse

  • The system must allow Removing quantities of the product in the warehouse

  • The system must allow Updating the total value based on the quantity in the warehouse

  • The system must allow Searching for the details of products linked to the warehouse

  • The system must allow Searching for the quantities of products linked to the warehouse

  • The system must allow Deleting a Product Stock Record by "ProductStock id"

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Develop the Project using Spring Boot, Postgres (Migrations), and In-Memory Database (H2)
  • Create Documentation using Swagger
  • Achieve a minimum code coverage of 50%

Business Rules

  • It must allow a product to be linked to multiple warehouses
  • It must allow a warehouse to have multiple products linked
  • Whenever the quantity of a certain product reaches zero, remove the product record from the warehouse


Code Coverage