- 2
Major version 3.0.0
#702 opened by tvbeek - 1
Add Cognitive Complexity metric
#882 opened by andrey-tech - 1
Regular expression behaviour in ExcludePathFilter fails without recourse when the offset is too large
#880 opened by mattwithoos - 0
File not found for empty files
#876 opened by AJenbo - 0
- 7
- 1
TooManyPublicMethods ignore exceptions
#708 opened by alexxxHorpah - 4
MathUtil usage in NPathComplexityAnalyzer
#843 opened by kylekatarnls - 4
Response for a class (RFC) measure
#680 opened by andrii-pukhalevych - 0
Handle comments when parsing expressions
#791 opened by AJenbo - 2
Cannot load xml namespace for validating config
#716 opened by eurosat7 - 2
- 2
- 0
Trait method collision error for valid php file
#707 opened by sdkawata - 0
- 1
Missing .phar's
#701 opened by fabiang - 7
FIlter pattern exclude regression
#766 opened by AJenbo - 4
`Unexpected token: |` when using union typed constants
#712 opened by ToshY - 2
Broken Interface Type for Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface::getConfigTreeBuilder
#698 opened by jleonardolemos - 10
Compatibility Issue with Symfony/Config v7.0.0 in `getConfigTreeBuilder` Method
#695 opened by leodisarli - 0
- 2
PDepend 2.13.0 is missing a phar download
#659 opened by SMillerDev - 1
- 3
- 5
Enum with DEFAULT or NEW case result in error.
#635 opened by tvbeek - 2
Unexpected Token Exception for class name is thrown when using combination "readonly" and "final" or "readonly" and "abstract"
#638 opened by EmilPDev - 2
- 1
PHP 8.1 : Unexpected token: :, with Enum
#650 opened by dimitriBouteille - 5
- 0
Mixed, by-reference varargs parameter gets handled like an intersection type and throws a fatal error
#629 opened by asmundstavdahl - 4
Fatal error if no return type after colon
#634 opened by przepompownia - 1
- 3
Link Software Metrics is wrong
#557 opened by fgsl - 7
- 0
PHP 8.3 syntax
#674 opened by kylekatarnls - 4
Typo in encoding name
#688 opened by snarktooth - 1
Invalid characters passed to "octdec"
#690 opened by r-man - 1
Halstead Volume Formula
#666 opened by mhnaufal - 1
Values of hnd and hnt are mixed up in XML report
#679 opened by andrey-tech - 2
Unexpected token when using promoted properties with two modifiers in constructor
#665 opened by epic-64 - 1
Crashes with parenthesized argument to isset
#639 opened by tvbeek - 0
Support PHP 8.2
#617 opened by kylekatarnls - 3
ASTVisitor::visitClass() should accept ASTEnum class or an relevant interface.
#623 opened by lisfox1 - 2
GlobalBuilderContext::registerClass() should accept ASTEnum class or an relevant interface.
#621 opened by lisfox1 - 24
Support PHP 8.1
#556 opened by kylekatarnls - 2
Unexpected token error when a variable is used as a key in array destructuring
#602 opened by elchenberg - 0
Support binary/octal/hexadecimal numbers
#599 opened by kylekatarnls - 7
- 12
Trailing comma in unset parse fails
#560 opened by archfz - 2
Php 8 named arguments when argument named 'default'
#559 opened by archfz