This repository is the Open-Cluster-Management based implementation of KubeStellar transport controller.
KubeStellar transport controller is the component that is responsible for propagating selected objects from the center to the selected WECs.
Transport controller is pluggable and allows implementing it using different plugins.
Transport controller is a mandatory part of KubeStellar and should run in a working system with one of the plugin implementations.
Run the following command to build locally ocm transport controller executable:
$ make build
Set the following environment variables:
environment variable to hold the transport kubeconfig file path.export TRANSPORT_KUBECONFIG=my_transport_kubeconfig_filepath
environment variable to hold the WDS kubeconfig file path.export WDS_KUBECONFIG=my_wds_kubeconfig_filepath
environment variable to hold a unique name for the WDS, e.g:export WDS_NAME=wds1
Run locally OCM transport controller executable:
$ ./bin/ocm-transport-plugin --transport-kubeconfig ${TRANSPORT_KUBECONFIG} --wds-kubeconfig ${WDS_KUBECONFIG} --wds-name ${WDS_NAME}
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© 2022-2024. The KubeStellar Authors.