
Mastermind Game

Primary LanguageActionScript


Code by Patrick Devine (pdevine@sonic.net)

This is a version of the game "Mastermind" game which I often use as an
interview question at work.  I chose to use seven colours and four peg holes
instead of the usually six/four or eight/five.  There's no real reason for
choosing that combination other than I just went with colours which matched
ROYGBIV.  If I'm ever inclined I guess I could go and make that dynamic.

There is an "AI" class which uses brute force to try and break the code
(which as of this writing is still not hooked up yet).  It works by creating
the entire problem set and then whittling down the choices with the scoring
function.  It chooses a guess at random from its list of guesses and then
calls the scoring function for each remaining guess in its list.  If the
resultant score is the same, it keeps that guess, otherwise it discards it.
Doing this it can actually reduce the possible choices fairly quickly,
and on average can guess the code in about five tries or so.

If you'd like to use the code somewhere, for whatever reason, please feel
free but make sure you include my name as the original copyright holder.
Also, a quick note to me would also be appreciated.

You can play the game without getting the Adobe Flash SDK at:


Comments and feedback are always welcome:  pdevine@sonic.net