
Endian safe bulk packing and unpacking of CStructs

Primary LanguageRakuArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


Build Status


CStruct::Packing is a simple solution for structured reading and writing of CStructs as binary numerical data.

The module is an alternative to Native::Packing. It requires all structures to be native CStructs, but can be signficantly faster.


use v6;
use CStruct::Packing :Endian;

# open a GIF read the header
my class LogicalDescriptor
    is repr('CStruct')
    does CStruct::Packing[VaxEndian] {

    has uint16 $.width;
    has uint16 $.height;
    has uint8  $.flags;
    has uint8  $.bgColorIndex;
    has uint8  $.aspect;

my $fh = "t/lightbulb.gif".IO.open( :r, :bin);
my $offset = 6;  # skip GIF header

my LogicalDescriptor $screen .= read: $fh, :$offset;
say "GIF has size {$screen.width} X {$screen.height}";

It currently handles records containing native integers (int8, uint8, int16, etc), numerics (num32, num64) and inlined CStruct sub-records.

  • Data may read be and written to binary files, via the read and write methods

  • Or read and written to buffers via the unpack and pack methods.


The two fixed modes are:

  • VaxEndian (or LittleEndian) - least significant byte written first

  • NetworkEndian (or BigEndian) - most significant byte written first

There is also a platform-dependant HostEndian mode. This will read and write binary data in the same endianess as the host computer.

Endian Examples:

use CStruct::Packing :Endian;

class C is repr('CStruct') { has int16 $.a }
class C-vax  is repr('CStruct') is C does CStruct::Packing[VaxEndian] {}
class C-net  is repr('CStruct') is C does CStruct::Packing[NetworkEndian] {}
class C-host is repr('CStruct') is C does CStruct::Packing[HostEndian] {}

say C-vax.new(:a(42)).pack;    # Buf[uint8]:0x<2a 00>
say C-net.new(:a(42)).pack;    # Buf[uint8]:0x<00 2a>
say C-host.new(:a(42)).pack;   # Depends on your host



method pack(Any:D: Blob $buf?, :$layout --> Blob)

Returns a packed representation of the CStruct as a Blob.


method unpack(Blob:D $buf, :$layout --> Any:D)

Unpacks the buffer. If this method is called from an object, the object's contents are replaced. Otherwise a new object is returned.


method read(IO::Handle \fh, UInt :$offset, :$layout -> Any:D)

Utility method to read and unpack a structure from a file handle.


method read(IO::Handle \fh, UInt :$offset, :$layout)

Uitility method to pack and write a structure to a file handle.


method packing-layout(--> CArray)

Precomputes the memory layout and endian conversionsfor a structure.

my $layout = Rec.packing-layout; # precompute layout
my @recs = 100 xx Rec.read($fh, :$layout);


method packed-size(--> size_t)

Returns the size of the packed structure


method unpacked-size(--> size_t)

Returns the size of the packed structure. S.unpacked-size should be equal to nativesizeof(S).