[Raku PDF Project] / PDF::Tags
A small DOM-like API for the creation of tagged PDF files for accessibility purposes.
This module enables PDF tagged content manipulation, construction, XPath queries and basic XML serialization.
See also PDF::Tags::Reader, which is designed to read content from existing tagged PDF files.
use PDF::Tags;
use PDF::Tags::Elem;
use PDF::API6;
use PDF::Page;
use PDF::XObject::Image;
my PDF::API6 $pdf .= new;
my PDF::Tags $tags .= create: :$pdf;
# create the document root
my PDF::Tags::Elem $doc = $tags.Document: :Lang<en-NZ>;
my PDF::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
my $header-font = $page.core-font: :family<Helvetica>, :weight<bold>;
my $body-font = $page.core-font: :family<Helvetica>;
$page.graphics: -> $gfx {
$doc.Header1: $gfx, {
.say('Marked Level 1 Header',
:position[50, 120]);
$doc.Paragraph: $gfx, {
.say('Marked paragraph text', :position[50, 100], :font($body-font), :font-size(12));
# add a marked image
my PDF::XObject::Image $img .= open: "t/images/lightbulb.gif";
$doc.Figure: $gfx, $img, :Alt('Incandescent apparatus');
$pdf.save-as: "/tmp/synopsis.pdf"
A tagged PDF contains additional markup information describing the logical document structure of PDF documents.
PDF tagging may assist PDF readers and other automated tools in reading PDF documents and locating content such as text and images.
This module provides a DOM like interface for creating and traversing PDF structure and content via tags. It also has an XPath like search capability. It is designed for use in conjunction with PDF::Class or PDF::API6.
Elements may be constructed using their Tag
name or Mnemonic
, as listed below. For example:
$root.P: $gfx, { .say('Marked paragraph text') };
Can also be written as:
$root.Paragraph: $gfx, { .say('Marked paragraph text') };
Or as:
$root.add-kid(:name<P>).mark: $gfx, { .say('Marked paragraph text') };
Tag | Mnemonic | Description |
Document | Whole document; must be used if there are multiple parts or articles | |
Part | Large division of a document; may group smaller units of content together, such as Division, Article, or Section elements. | |
Art | Article | Self-contained body of text considered to be a single narrative. |
Sect | Section | General container element type that is usually a component of a Part or Article element |
Div | Division | Generic block element or group of element |
BlockQuote | A large portion of text referencing content from another source | |
Caption | Description of a Figure or Table | |
TOC | TableOfContents | May be nested, and may be used for lists of figures, tables, etc. |
TOCI | TableOfContentsItem | Table of contents (leaf) item |
Index | An index of keywords and topics, usually at the end of the document (text with accompanying Reference content) | |
NonStruct | NonStructural | non-structural grouping element (element itself not intended to be exported to other formats like HTML, but 'transparent' to its content which is processed normally) |
Private | Content only meaningful to the creator (element and its content not intended to be exported to other formats like HTML) | |
DocumentFragment | A partial document fragment (PDF 2.0) | |
Aside | Distinct side content (PDF 2.0) | |
Sub | Subdivision | A subdivision (PDF 2.0) |
Title | Encloses a title of a document or section (PDF 2.0) | |
FENote | Used to markup end notes and footnotes (PDF 2.0) |
Mnemonic | Tag | Description
Tag | Mnemonic | Description |
H | Heading | Nested section heading (not recommended) |
H1 - H6 | Heading1 - Heading6 | The title or heading of a section within the text content |
P | Paragraph | A distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme |
L | List | A group of similar items that are related to each other. Should include optional Caption, and list items |
LI | ListItem | A Single list element. Should contain Lbl and/or LBody |
Lbl | Label | Bullet, number, or "dictionary headword" |
LBody | ListBody | Description of the item; may have nested lists or other blocks |
Tag | Mnemonic | Description |
Table | Content arranged into rows and columns; should either contain TR, or THead, TBody and/or TFoot | |
TR | TableRow | A single row of cell elements within a table |
TH | TableHeader | Description of column contents |
TD | TableData | A cell element |
THead | TableHead | A row of table headers |
TBody | TableBody | Table body; may have more than one per table |
TFoot | TableFoot | Table footer row group |
Tag | Mnemonic | Description |
Span | Generic inline content. | |
Quote | Inline text referencing content from another source | |
Note | End-note or footnote; may have a Lbl (see "block" elements) | |
Reference | Content in a document that refers to other content (e.g. page number in an index) | |
BibEntry | BibliographyEntry | Text referring the user to source of cited text. May have a Lbl (see "block" elements) |
Code | Computer code | |
Link | hyperlink; should contain a link annotation | |
Annot | Annotation | annotation (other than a link) |
Ruby | Chinese/Japanese pronunciation/explanation | |
RB | RubyBaseText | Ruby base text |
RT | RubyText | Ruby annotation text |
RP | RubyPunctuation | |
Warichu | Japanese/Chinese longer description | |
WT | WarichuText | |
WP | WarichuPunctuation | |
Emphasis | Em | (PDF 2.0) |
Strong | (PDF 2.0) |
Tag | Mnemonic | Description |
Figure | An image or graphic that is referenced by the text | |
Formula | A scientific or mathematical formula element | |
Form | An editable PDF field used to complete a form |
Tag | Mnemonic | Description |
Artifact | Used to mark all content not part of the logical structure | |
ReversedChars | Every string of text has characters in reverse order for technical reasons (due to how fonts work for right-to-left languages); strings may have spaces at the beginning or end to separate words, but may not have spaces in the middle |
- PDF::Tags - Tagged PDF root node
- PDF::Tags::Attr - A single node attribute
- PDF::Tags::Elem - Structure Tree descendant node
- PDF::Tags::Node - Abstract node
- PDF::Tags::Node::Parent - Abstract parent node
- PDF::Tags::Mark - Leaf content marker node
- PDF::Tags::Text - Text content node
- PDF::Tags::ObjRef - A reference to a PDF object (PDF::Annot, PDF::Field or PDF::XObject)
- PDF::Tags::XML-Writer - XML Serializer
- PDF::Tags::XPath - XPath evaluation context
In the simple case, both PDF::XObject::Form's and PDF::XObject::Image's are inserted and externally
tagged as an atomic graphical element, typically tagged as Figure
or Form
my PDF::XObject::Image $img .= open: "t/images/lightbulb.gif";
my $figure = $doc.Figure: $gfx, $img, :position[50, 70], :Alt("A light-bulb");
A PDF::XObject::Form may be associated with a document fragment. The
form can then be rendered, and the fragment inserted into the document, by repeatedly calling do
on the fragment, as demonstrated below:
use PDF::Tags;
use PDF::Tags::Elem;
use PDF::Class;
use PDF::XObject::Form;
my PDF::Class $pdf .= new;
my PDF::Tags $tags .= create: :$pdf;
my PDF::Tags::Elem $doc = $tags.Document;
my PDF::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
$page.graphics: -> $gfx {
$doc.Header1: $gfx, {
.say('Header text');
my PDF::XObject::Form $form = $page.xobject-form: :BBox[0, 0, 200, 50];
my PDF::Tags::Elem $form-frag = $doc.fragment;
$form.text: {
my $font-size = 12;
.text-position = [10, 38];
$form-frag.Header2: $_, {
.say: "Tagged XObject header";
my $p = $form-frag.Paragraph: $_, {
.say: "Some sample tagged text";
# multiple rendering of the form, and insertion into the structure tree
$doc.do($gfx, $form-frag, :position[150, 70]);
$doc.do($gfx, $form-frag, :position[150, 20]);
Links are usually contained in a block element, such as a Paragraph
. If
the link is internal, it should be further enclosed in a Reference
Furthermore, if the link is in flowing text, such as a paragraph, the
method may be needed to mark preceding text, the link, and
following text.
Please see examples/link.raku which demonstrates adding an tagged internal link to a PDF.
As a rule, all content doesn't have to form part of the structure tree, but should be tagged to meet accessibility guidelines.
This sometimes requires tagging of incidental graphics. PDF::Content
has a tag()
method for this. The content is tagged, but does not appear in the structure tree.
Some of the commonly used content tags are:
Artifact content forms part of the visual display, but does not belong in the structure Tree.
For example:
$gfx.tag: Artifact, {
.say("Page $page-num", :$font, :position[ 250, 20 ]);
A clipped region encompasses additional graphics that are being used as part of a clipping operation. The clipped area may include graphics that are part of the structure tree. For example:
use PDF::Class;
use PDF::Tags;
use PDF::Tags::Elem;
use PDF::Content::Tag :ContentTags, :ParagraphTags;
my PDF::Class $pdf .= new;
my PDF::Tags $tags .= create: :$pdf;
# create the document root
my PDF::Tags::Elem $doc = $tags.Document;
$pdf.add-page.graphics: {
.tag: Clipped, {
.Rectangle: 100, 100, 125, 20;
$doc.Paragraph: $_, {
.say: 'Clip me', :position[98, 98];
The above example is setting up a clipping sequence. The clipped text is being inserted as a paragraph in the structure tree.
This tag may be used either in the structure tree, or at the content level to defined attributes of a graphics sequence. Its usage is similar to the XHTML span
$gfx.tag: Span: :Lang<es-MX>, {
.say('Hasta la vista', :position[50, 80]);
The PDF standard allows user defined tags, which are mapped to
standard tags via a role-map table. PDF::Tags
supports this
feature, via the create
option. One declared,
role-map entries, can be called as standard construction
use PDF::Tags;
use PDF::Tags::Elem;
use PDF::Class;
use PDF::Page;
enum Roles ( :Book<Document>, :FootNote<Note> );
constant %role-map = Roles.enums.Hash;
my PDF::Class $pdf .= new;
my PDF::Tags $tags .= create: :$pdf, :%role-map;
my PDF::Tags::Elem $doc = $tags.Book;
my PDF::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
$page.graphics: -> $gfx {
$doc.Paragraph: $gfx, {
.say: 'Some body text¹', :position[50, 150];
$doc.FootNote: $gfx, {
.say: '¹With a foot-note', :position[50, 20];
Content sometimes needs to be continued across graphics elements, such as a paragraph that
spans multiple pages. The mark
method may be called repeatably to achieve this:
use PDF::Class;
use PDF::Tags;
use PDF::Tags::Elem;
use PDF::Page;
use PDF::Content::FontObj;
my PDF::Class $pdf .= new;
my PDF::Tags $tags .= create: :$pdf;
my PDF::Tags::Elem $doc = $tags.Document;
my PDF::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
my PDF::Content::FontObj $font = $pdf.core-font: :family<Helvetica>;
my PDF::Tags::Elem $para = $doc.Paragraph;
$page.graphics: -> $gfx {
$para.mark: $gfx, {
.say('This paragraph starts on first page...',
:position[50, 600]);
$page = $pdf.add-page;
$page.graphics: -> $gfx {
$para.mark: $gfx, {
.say('...and finishes on the second page',
:position[50, 600]);
$pdf.save-as: "span.pdf";
If a PDF document is tagged for accessibility, additional metadata usually also needs to be set-up; typically Title
, Author
, Subject
, Keywords
and language. For example:
use PDF::API6;
use PDF::Info;
my PDF::API6 $pdf .= open: "/tmp/synopsis.pdf";
my PDF::Info $info = $pdf.Info //= {};
$info.Title = 'PDF::Tags README Synopsis';
$info.Subject = 'Sample Output PDF';
$info.Author = 'David Warring';
$info.Keywords = 'accessibility,pdf,tags';
$pdf.catalog.Lang = 'en';
Note that PDF::API6
automatically fills in Producer
, Creator
and CreationDate
The pdf-tag-dump.raku
script from the PDF::Tags::Reader module
can be used to view the logical content of PDF files as XML, for example:
$ pdf-tag-dump.raku /tmp/synopsis.pdf
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Document SYSTEM "http://pdf-raku.github.io/dtd/tagged-pdf.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="https://pdf-raku.github.io/css/tagged-pdf.css"?>
Marked Level 1 Header
Marked paragraph text
<Figure BBox="0 0 19 19">
The XML output from pdf-tag-dump.raku
includes an external DtD for basic validation purposes.
For example, it can be piped to xmllint
, from the libxml2
package, to check the structure of the tags:
$ pdf-tag-dump.raku /tmp/synopsis.pdf | xmllint --noout --valid -
- PDF::Tags::Reader - for reading PDF files with existing tagged content
Type-casting of PDF::StructElem.A to roles; as per 14.8.5. Possibly belongs in PDF::Class, however slightly complicated by the need to apply role-mapping.
Develop a tag/accessibility checker. A low-level sanity checker that a tagged PDF meets PDF association recommendations
pdf-tag-checker.raku --ua
. See https://www.pdfa.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/MatterhornProtocol_1-02.pdf and Wikipedia Clause 7 guidelines:- Complete tagging of "real content" in logical reading order
- Tags must correctly represent the document's semantic structures (headings, lists, tables, etc.)
- Problematic content is prohibited, including illogical headings, the use of color/contrast to convey information, inaccessible JavaScript, and more
- Meaningful graphics must include alternative text descriptions
- Security settings must allow assistive technology access to the content
- Fonts must be embedded, and text mapped to Unicode
A personal copy of the PDF accessibility standard ISO 14289-1 is available from the PDF Association Website.
- Editing. Currently the API doesn't readily support editing tags into existing content. More work is also needed in the PDF::Content module to support content editing.