
A utility that automatically refreshes the browser whenewer you save a file in your project folder


Tired of switching between your editor and the browser and hitting the refresh button?

breload is a utility which automatically refreshes the browser whenewer you save a file in your project folder.


  1. run breload ~/code/myproject/
  2. click the browser window

Now you can edit your project files and enjoy automatic browser refresh.

Run breload -h to see available options:

$ breload -h
Usage: breload [options] file-or-directory
 -r        watch all subdirectories recursively
 -d N      wait N seconds before refresh (default 0)
 -i        show inotifywait output


breload requires xwininfo, xdotool, and inotifywait.

If you are on Debian/Ubuntu, just run:

$ sudo apt-get install inotify-tools xdotool x11-utils

Supported OSes: Linux