
The native Swift library for iOS platforms

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Version License Platform

Welcome to Tangem

The Tangem card is a self-custodial hardware wallet for blockchain assets. The main functions of Tangem cards are to securely create and store a private key from a blockchain wallet and sign blockchain transactions. The Tangem card does not allow users to import/export, backup/restore private keys, thereby guaranteeing that the wallet is unique and unclonable.

Getting Started


iOS 13+ (CoreNFC is required), Xcode 12+

SDK can be imported to iOS 11, but it will work only since iOS 13.


  1. Configure your app to detect NFC tags. Turn on Near Field Communication Tag Reading under the Capabilities tab for the project’s target (see Add a capability to a target). Note. When you adding Near Field Communication Tag Reading capability, Xcode generates entries in *.entitlement file. You should check that there are only the Tag string in formats array. Otherwise AppStore will reject your build when you try to upload it.
  1. Add the NFCReaderUsageDescription key as a string item to the Info.plist file. For the value, enter a string that describes the reason the app needs access to the device’s NFC reader:
<string>Some reason</string>
  1. In the Info.plist file, add the list of the application identifiers supported in your app to the ISO7816 Select Identifiers (AIDs) information property list key. The AIDs of Tangem cards are: A000000812010208 and D2760000850101.
  1. To prevent customers from installing apps on a device that does not support the NFC capability, add the following to the Info.plist code:


For the Tangem SDK, use the following entry in your Podfile:

pod 'TangemSdk'

Then run pod install.

For any file in which you'd like to use the Tangem SDK use import TangemSdk.


Tangem SDK is a self-sufficient solution that implements a card abstraction model, methods of interaction with the card and interactions with the user via UI.


To get started, you need to create an instance of the TangemSdk class.

let sdk = TangemSdk()

The universal initializer allows you to create an instance of the class that you can use immediately without any additional setup.

You can also use a custom initializer, which allows you to pass your implementation of CardReader protocol to communicate with a card as well as the implementation of SessionViewDelegate protocol to create a custom user interface. You can read more about this in Customization.

Basic usage

The easiest way to use the SDK is to call basic functions that implemented in TangemSdk class. Functions performs one or more commands and, after that, calls completion block with success or error result.

Most functions have an optional cardId argument. If it has been passed, the command can only be executed with a card that has a matching cardId. If the user uses a card with a different cardId, the SDK will ask the user to attach the correct card with the same cardId.

When calling basic methods, there is no need to show the error to the user, since it will be displayed on the NFC popup before it's hidden.

IMPORTANT: You can't perform more than one basic function during the NFC session. In case you need to perform your own sequence of commands, take a look at Advanced usage


CompletionResult<T> - typealias of (Result<T, TangemSdkError>) -> Void

Scan card

Method scanCard() is used to obtain information from the Tangem card. Optionally, if the card contains a wallet (private and public key pair), it proves that the wallet owns a private key that corresponds to a public one.


tangemSdk.scanCard { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let card):
        print("Read result: \(card)")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Completed with error: \(error.localizedDescription), details: \(error)")

Sign hash

Method sign(hash: Data, walletPublicKey: Data, cardId: String?) allows you to sign a single hash with a wallet that has specified walletPublicKey. The SIGN command will return a corresponding signature. If card failed to find wallet with target walletPublicKey SDK will return WalletNotFound error


Parameter Type Description
hash Data Hash to be signed by card
walletPublicKey Data Public key of wallet that should sign hash
cardId String? (Optional) If cardId is passed, the sign command will be performed only if the card
completion CompletionResult<Data> (@escaping) Returns signature of hash


// Creates random hash with length = 32
let hash = Data((0..<32).map { _ in UInt8(arc4random_uniform(255)) })
let cardId = "AA00000000000000"
let walletPublicKey = Data()

tangemSdk.sign(hash: hash, walletPublicKey: walletPublicKey, cardId: cardId) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let signResponse):
        print("Result: \(signResponse)")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Completed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Sign hashes

Method sign(hashes: [Data], walletPublicKey: Data, cardId: String) allows you to sign multiple hashes. The SIGN command will return a corresponding array of signatures. If card failed to find wallet with target walletPublicKey SDK will return WalletNotFound error


Parameter Type Description
hashes [Data] Array of hashes to be signed by card
walletPublicKey Data Public key of wallet that should sign hashes
cardId String? (Optional) If cardId is passed, the sign command will be performed only if the card
completion CompletionResult<[Data]> (@escaping) Returns array of signatures`


let hashes = [hash1, hash2]
let cardId = "AA00000000000000"
let walletPublicKey = Data()

tangemSdk.sign(hashes: hashes, walletPublicKey: walletPublickey, cardId: cardId) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let signResponse):
        print("Result: \(signResponse)")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Completed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")


Create Wallet

Method tangemSdk.createWallet(cardId: String?) will create a new wallet on the card. A key pair WalletPublicKey / WalletPrivateKey is generated and securely stored in the card.


Parameter Type Description
config WalletConfig? (Optional) Configuration of new wallet. Note Available only for cards with firmware version 4 and higher
cardId String? (Optional) If cardId is passed, the sign command will be performed only if the card
completion CompletionResult<CreateWalletResponse> (@escaping) Returns information about new wallet
Purge Wallet

Method tangemSdk.purgeWallet(walletPublicKey: Data, cardId: String?) searching wallet with specified WalletPublicKey and deletes all information related to this wallet.


Parameter Type Description
walletPublicKey Data Public key of wallet that should be purged
cardId String? (Optional) If cardId is passed, the sign command will be performed only if the card
completion CompletionResult<PurgeWalletResponse> (@escaping) Returns information about purged wallet

Issuer data

Card has a special 512-byte memory block to securely store and update information in card OS (COS). For example, this mechanism could be employed for enabling off-line validation of the wallet balance and attesting of cards by the issuer (in addition to Tangem’s attestation). The issuer should define the purpose of use, payload, and format of IssuerData field. Note that IssuerData is never changed or parsed by the executable code the Tangem COS.

The issuer has to generate single Issuer Data Key pair IssuerDataPublicKey / IssuerDataPrivateKey, same for all issuer’s cards. The private key IssuerDataPrivateKey is permanently stored in a secure back-end of the issuer (e.g. HSM). The non-secret public key IssuerDataPublicKey is stored both in COS (during personalization) and issuer’s host application that will use it to validate IssuerData field.

Write issuer data

Method tangemSdk.writeIssuerData(issuerData: Data, issuerDataSignature: Data, issuerDataCounter: Int?, cardId: String?) writes 512-byte IssuerData field to the card.


Parameter Type Description
issuerData Data Data to be written to the card
issuerDataSignature Data Issuer’s signature of issuerData with Issuer_Data_PrivateKey
issuerDataCounter Int? (Optional) Counter that protect issuer data against replay attack. When flag ProtectIssuerDataAgainstReplay set in the card configuration then this value is mandatory and must increase on each execution of writeIssuerData command.
cardId String? (Optional) If cardId is passed, the sign command will be performed only if the card
Write issuer extra data

If 512 bytes are not enough, you can use method tangemSdk.writeIssuerExtraData(issuerData: Data, startingSignature: Data, finalizingSignature: Data,issuerDataCounter: Int?, cardId: String?) to save up to 40 kylobytes.

Parameter Type Description
issuerData Data Data to be written to the card
startingSignature Data Issuer’s signature of `SHA256(cardId
finalizingSignature Data Issuer’s signature of `SHA256(cardId
issuerDataCounter Int? (Optional) Counter that protect issuer data against replay attack. When flag ProtectIssuerDataAgainstReplay set in the card configuration then this value is mandatory and must increase on each execution of writeIssuerData command.
cardId String? (Optional) If cardId is passed, the sign command will be performed only if the card
Read issuer data

Method tangemSdk.readIssuerData(cardId: cardId) returns 512-byte IssuerData field and its issuer’s signature.

Read issuer extra data

Method tangemSdk.readIssuerExtraData(cardId: cardId) ruturns IssuerExtraData field.

User data

Write user data

Method tangemSdk.writeUserData(userData: Data, userCounter: Int?, cardId: String?) write some of UserData and UserCounter fields. UserData is never changed or parsed by the executable code the Tangem COS. The App defines purpose of use, format and it's payload. For example, this field may contain cashed information from blockchain to accelerate preparing new transaction.

Parameter Type Description
userData Data Data defined by user’s App
userCounter Int? (Optional) Counters, that initial values can be set by App and increased on every signing of new transaction (on SIGN command that calculate new signatures). The App defines purpose of use. For example, this fields may contain blockchain nonce value.
cardId String? (Optional) If cardId is passed, the sign command will be performed only if the card
Read user data

Method tangemSdk.readUserData(cardId: String?) returns User Data

Advanced usage

Sometimes it's needed to perform some sequence of commands during one session. For instance, you need to sign some hashes, send transaction, and then put some data to a card.

Starting custom session

tangemSdk.startSession(...) starts custom session.


Parameter Type Description
cardId String? (Optional) If cardId is passed, user will be asked to tap the particular card
callback (CardSession, TangemSdkError?) -> Void (@escaping) Closure that will be called after card is connected

Closure callback contain two parameters: CardSession and TangemSdkError. If session is failed to start, there will be TangemSdkError. You need to check it first to proceed with the other commands. After you finish with everything, close the session by calling session.stop() for success result or session.stop(error: error) for failure.

let tangemSdk = TangemSdk()

tangemSdk.startSession(cardId: nil) { session, error in
    // Logs messages on main thread
    func log(_ message: Any) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            // You can put here all your logging logic
    // Check if error occured while starting session
    if let error = error {
    // Log error and stop session
    func logErrorAndStop(_ error: Error) {
        session.stop(error: error)
    func signHash(walletPublicKey: Data) {
        // Creates random data for signing
        let hash = Data((0..<32).map { _ in UInt8(arc4random_uniform(255)) })
        let sign = SignCommand(hashes: [hash], walletIndex: .publicKey(walletPublicKey))
        sign.run(in: session) { signResult in
            switch signResult {
            case .success(let response):
                // Log successful SignCommand and stop session
                log("Step 3 result. Sign hash response: \(response)")
            case .failure(let error):
    log("Step 1 result. Read card: \(session.environment.card)")
    // If wallet created perform CheckWalletCommand
    if let wallet = session.environment.card?.wallets.first, wallet.status == .loaded, let curve = wallet.curve, let pubkey = wallet.publicKey {
        let checkWallet = CheckWalletCommand(curve: curve, publicKey: pubkey)
        checkWallet.run(in: session) { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let checkWalletResponse):
                log("Step 2 result. Check wallet response: \(checkWalletResponse)")
                signHash(walletPublicKey: pubkey)
            case .failure(let error):
    // If there wallet at first index is empty - create wallet
    } else {
        let createWallet = CreateWalletTask(config: WalletConfig(curveId: .secp256k1))
        createWallet.run(in: session) { createWalletResult in
            switch createWalletResult {
            case .success(let createWalletResponse):
                log("Step 2 result. Create wallet response: \(createWalletResponse)")
                signHash(walletPublicKey: createWalletResponse.walletPublicKey)
            case .failure(let error):



Tangem SDK performs the entire cycle of UI user interaction. In order to change the appearance or behavior of the UI, you are welcome to provide you own implementation of the SessionViewDelegate protocol. After this, initialize the TangemSdk class with your delegate class.

let mySessionViewDelegate = MySessionViewDelegate()
let tangemSdk = TangemSdk(viewDelegate: mySessionViewDelegate)


You can replace one or more lines used in the SDK with your own. For this, you need to add keys with translations of the lines that you want to replace in your app, after which you need to install the localization bundle like this:

TangemSdk.Localization.localizationsBundle = Bundle(for: AppDelegate.self)