

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

YOLO+DoF End2End model

To run TensorRT, the model must be built on a local machine

First, prepare tensorRT model YOLO and SixDoF

1.1 Generate TRT YOLO model

YOLO v7 link : https://github.com/pdh930105/yolov7-face

git clone https://github.com/pdh930105/yolov7-face.git
cd yolov7-face
python3 models/export.py --weights yolov7-tiny-face.pt --grid --simplify
python3 models/export_tensorrt.py -o yolov7-tiny-face_wo_nms.onnx -e end2end_yolo.trt --end2end --max_det 10 --rkpts # using onnx

1.2 Generate TRT SixDRepNet (base model : resnet18_dof)

SixDof model link : https://github.com/pdh930105/6DRepNet.git

git clone https://github.com/pdh930105/6DRepNet.git
cd 6DRepNet
python3 sixdrepnet/export_tensorrt.py -o resnet18_dof.onnx -e end2end_dof.trt

Second, If prepared TensorRT model, run end2end model

cd dof-inference
python3 dof_trt_inference.py --yolo_engine end2end_orin.trt --dof_engine end2end_dof.trt --source obama.jpg 
# --source 'cam' = webcam (future works), 'rgb' = realsense's rgb, 'ir'=realsense's infrared
# --show-img : visualize video/webcam/realsense
# --get-fps : visualize FPS time
# --iter : iteration for calculating FPS time

Appendix, connecting dof-inference-unity code (Orin version)

Required same internet connection (wifi or public ip address)

python3 dof_trt_inference.py --yolo_engine end2end_orin.trt --dof_engine sixdresnet_orin.trt --source rgb --server --ip-addr (local ip)

And then, running unity application, insert orin's local ip