
.Net 6 E-Commerce Web Application FullStack

Primary LanguageCSS

Blazor Bootcamp - .NET 6 E-Commerce Web App(WASM and Server)

  • Fundamentals of Blazor
  • Forms in Blazor with Validation
  • Real world e-commerce application using Blazor Web Assembly and Blazor Server
  • Manage admin features using Blazor Server
  • Builded .NET 6 API from scratch
  • Consume .NET 6 API using Blazor WASM
  • Authentication & Authorization in Blazor Server and WASM
  • Emails with Blazor
  • SyncFusion and Radzen Components
  • Integrate Stripe Payments in Blazor WASM
  • Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection
  • Deploying .NET API, Blazor WASM & Server to Azure