
Random MODX Revolution Snippets

Primary LanguagePHP


MODX Revolution snippets I've needed for one thing or another.


Return a date based on whatever format you pass in, or in the following format if none specified:

Mon 2 April 2012

Uses PHP formats, not MODx date formats - see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php

Call as follows:

[[!CurrentDate? &format=`l, jS F Y`]]

Above will produce similar to: Tuesday, 10th April 2012


Little snippet to generate random numbers up to a specified length, with optional formatting.

Formatting will stick commas in the right place.

Call as follows:

[[!RandomNumber? &formatNumber=`1` &length=`5`]]


Looks through the query string for the page, returns the value for any specific key it finds. e.g - from the URL:


Using this on page:

[[!getParamFromQueryString? &key=`test`]]

Above will return 'help'


Returns a date x days in the future.

Call as follows:

[[!getDateXDaysInFuture? &distance=`7`]]

Above will produce similar to: 2012-10-08


Custom output modifier, uses PHP round() to round up or down the number input. This doesn't do any checking to see if you've actually put a number in or not.


Custom output filter written specifically to take the value from a text input in a form, explode each word into and array and then format it nicely for getResources. There's probably an easier way to do this. Maybe. I had a snippet grabbing the value from the query string first.

Use similarly to the following:


Options (with default values)
