
A community-driven Cypress testing suite for Contao 5

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A community-driven Cypress testing suite for Contao 5.
You can use an existing local Contao installation or a remote one.

Very early version!


# clone the project in your existing bundle or contao mono repo
git clone https://github.com/pdir/contao-cypress-testing.git 
cd contao-cypress-testing
cp cypress.config.js.example cypress.config.js
cp cypress.env.json.example cypress.env.json
# set parameters for your Contao 5 test domain in cypress.config.js
# set parameters for admin user in cypress.env.json
# use npm to install cypress
npm install cypress --save-dev

# or use yarn to install cypress
yarn add cypress --dev

Run "NODE_ENV=develop; cypress run" to run tests locally

For more information about cypress, visit https://docs.cypress.io/guides/overview/why-cypress

Create language files for your bundle or Contao core bundles

# Generate files for php files / example de ->default.php
php -f tools/lang-to-json.php src\Resources\contao\languages\de\default.php cypress\fixtures\i18n\example-bundle\de\default.json

# Generate files for xml files / example core-bundle -> de -> default.php
php -f tools/xlf-to-json.php core-bundle\contao\languages\de\default.xlf cypress\fixtures\i18n\core-bundle\de\default.json
php -f tools/xlf-to-json.php core-bundle\contao\languages\en\default.xlf cypress\fixtures\i18n\core-bundle\en\default.json

Opening the test app

cypress open
# or
yarn run cypress open

Run a specific group or single file

cypress run -s cypress/e2e/all.core.cy.js
cypress run -spec cypress/e2e/core-bundle/all.cy.js,cypress/e2e/news-bundle/all.cy.js

Run tests with screenshots and video to share with project members Projects Setup

cypress run --record -s "cypress/e2e/core-bundle/backend/pages/pages.design.cy.js"      # a single test
cypress run --record -s "cypress/e2e/core-bundle/all.cy.js"                             # all core bundle tests


The package contains a bunch of pre-built commands for easier navigation in the backend as well as frontend using Cypress.

General commands

Login to backend

Backend.login(username, password)

Clear backend user session


Targeting elements inside iframes

// find elements
cy.get("iframe").iframe().find('ul li')

cy.get('iframe').iframe(() => {
    // Targets the input within the iframe element

Folder structure

  /e2e              # all tests separate by bundles
    /<bundle>       # e.g core-bundle
      /<module>     # module name
          <module>.design.cy    # design tests (e.g. element is visible; headers, title, select fields, label etc.
                                # are present)
          <module>.func.cy      # functional tests (e.g. testing the function of select fields, DCA fields, 
                                # buttons [create, delete, edit, toggle all, drag and drop, edit multiple etc.])
        /all.cy.js              # run all tests of the bundle
    /vendor/<bundle>       # e.g. contao-demo
                           # use the same folder structure as for the core bundles  
  /all.core.cy.js         # run all core tests
  /all.cy.js              # run all tests, also from the vendor folder
  /all.vendor.cy.js       # run all vendor tests
    /i18n       # folder for json language files *DO NOT COMMIT (Generate via tools for every feature/version)