
Links to Detail page does not work when using folder-URLs

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Bug description

When using folder-urls in Contao, the links to the detail pages in the immobilien overview is set incorrectly.
If you have the list on the page:
and the detail list on the page:
the auto_item expose should be added:

Instead, the following link is set:

The error is in file
The code
return str_replace($urlSuffix, '/'.DetailView::PARAMETER_KEY, $baseUri);
replaces every occurance of the $urlSuffix (here: /) and appends the auto_item "expose".

Instead, we only want the last occurance to be replaced:
return preg_replace('%'.preg_quote($urlSuffix).'$%', '/' . DetailView::PARAMETER_KEY, $baseUri);


Contao 4.4, PHP 7.3, MaklerModul 2.1.4

fixed in new version