- 0
Bedingung in Maklerliste
#39 opened by NFeth - 1
Pfade in der Dokumentation
#37 opened by pedal123 - 3
- 2
display:none is ignored by Safari on iOS
#9 opened by itcbchris - 2
Frontend nach Update nicht mehr erreichbar
#35 opened by avoca77 - 3
- 1
- 1
- 1
Bug in filter translation
#34 opened by agonyz - 1
import crashes with SimpleXMLElement::addAttribute() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given
#30 opened by peerlight - 4
Compile Error: Declaration of Pdir\MaklermodulSyncBundle\Module\Sync::compile() must be compatible with Pdir\MaklermodulBundle\Module\MaklermodulSetup::compile(): void
#31 opened by martin-netprofit - 2
maklermodul-bundle 2.8.0 can not be installed in contao 4.9.34 due to "Class 'Contao\ArrayUtil' not found"
#29 opened by peerlight - 3
- 11
Some labels of filters not correct
#14 opened by peerlight - 2
Fehlermeldung nach Aufruf der Schaltfläche/Button "Index aufbauen" im Contao Backend
#24 opened by martin-netprofit - 1
- 7
- 1
Contao-Installationstool lässt sich nicht mehr aufrufen - SCSS-Fehler maklermodul_backend.scss
#23 opened by green-pixelbox - 2
- 1
- 1
fresh Install on Contao 4.9.12 not usable
#20 opened by patcash77 - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 4
Import via contao-console fails
#10 opened by itcbchris - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
"Bedingung" for "Immobilienliste"
#7 opened by itcbchris - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Backend tries to load wrong StyleSheet File
#3 opened by itcbchris - 1
data.filter.ini is ingored
#1 opened by itcbchris