Cartoonize Your Image!

The web app for this image cartoonization:

This is a web app to turn your photo into a cartoon-like image. There are four filters that you can choose from: Pencil Sketch, Detail Enhancement, Pencil Edges, and Bilateral Filter. Below is the example of the cartoonization after you apply each filter:

Pencil Sketch:

Detail Enhancement:

Pencil Edges:

Bilateral Filter:


There are five files necessary to build this web app:

  • main Python file of the app.
  • file to setup your configuration on Heroku.
  • requirements.txt: the file to tell Heroku which dependencies you need to build the app.
  • Procfile: file to tell Heroku which and how the command and file should be executed.
  • Aptfile: additional file for buildpacks to enable OpenCV to operate within Heroku.

In your Heroku app that you can access on Heroku, you need to add this buildpack: to complement the Aptfile.

To add the buildpack: Go to your app on Heroku -> choose "Setting" tab on your app -> Then scroll down until you find Buildpacks section -> Click on "add buildpacks" -> paste the above URL.

With Heroku CLI you can use this command to add the buildpacks:

heroku create --buildpack