
a simple scripting language to support "object" pipelines

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


a simple scripting language to support "object" pipelines

  1. interpreted language, #!/usr/bin/env gosh
  2. dynamically and strongly typed (type is inferred, but variables cannot change type)
  3. all statements are expressions
  4. support for coroutines (strongly typed)
  5. support json, xml, csv
  6. strong date/time support
  7. easy HTTP client
  8. structs with methods, ala go
  9. errors are values
  10. function/method type is just "takes N parameters"
  11. methods are functions bound to type of target object


Variables are not declared, but just initialized. One a variables type is set by initialization, it cannot be changed.

x := 1          # x is an integer
s := "boo"      # s is a string

Multiple assignment is supported:

x, s := 1, "boo"


Variables are scoped by package (pkg) and by func. By default, the interpreter works in the package global. It is invalid to say pkg global in code. There is no block-level scope.

Within a function, these are local:

  1. named parameters/arguments
  2. named channels
  3. anything on the left side of an assignment operator (:=, +=, ?=)

The exception to #3 is variables identified by the extern statement.

a := 1
c := 3

f := func(b) {
    extern c    # we assign to c within this func, but it's not local

    fmt.printf("%d\n", a)    # uninitialized local variable.
    fmt.printf("%d\n", c)    # valid reference to global c

    a := 5      # a is assigned in the function, so it's local
    c := 8      # valid assignment to outer variable c

All other names within a function are regarded as "free variables" and are resolved with lexical scoping.

simple types

  1. Bool (true or false)
  2. Integer (int64)
  3. String
  4. Character (go rune)
  5. Float (float64)

Variables of other go types are created by explicit conversion, eg.

x := int32(123)
c := complex64(1,2)
b := byte(127)

The type of an variable can be determined with the type function.

x := 2
type(x)     # int64
type("foo") # string


Any variable can take the value nil, but nil cannot be used to initialize a variable as it has no particular type. A typed nil can be used, eg:

n := int64(nil)

An alternate syntax is

x := nil(int64)


Functions are declared with the func keyword

f := func(a,b,c) {

Functions will return the value of the last expression evaluated, if there is no explicit return.

Functions can return multiple values.

f := func() {
    return "alpha", 42
a, b := f()

Function/method invocation:


Methods may only be defined on structs, at struct declaration. Some internal types have methods.

Functions are not tightly bound to their names. A function variable is just another variable. It can be reassigned. But it can only be reassigned to a new value of the same type. This means that to assign a new function to an existing variable, it must have the same number of parameters.

f := func(a,b,c) {
    return a+b+c

# error:
f := func(a,b) {
    return a+b

To declare a function variable which will later (possibly) be defined, use an empty func definition:

f := foo(a,b,c) {}

named parameters

Named parameters in funcion invocation is supported.

f := func(a,b,c) {
    # ...

f(b: 2, c: 1, a: 23)

Omitted parameters can be set with the default assignment operator.

f := func(a,b,c) {
    a ?= "apple"    # a is assigned "apple" iff a == nil
    # ...

f(b: 2, c: 7)

It is an error to omit a parameter in a function invocation that does not have a default value assignment.


struct is the only way to create/define custom types.

Define a struct:

struct myStruct {
    x := 0
    s := ""
    f := func(_, a, c) {
        return a + _.s + c

Methods are functions having 1+ parameters. When a method is invoked, the target is bound to the first parameter. It is acceptable to use _ (underscore) as a parameter name.

Create a new instance:

s := myStruct()


s := myStruct(42, "hello")

which assigns to struct's fields by order.

An explicit constructor may also be defined:

struct fooBar {
    x := 0
    fooBar := func(me, x) {
        me.x := x + 42


Using a struct literal:

s := struct{
    x := 1
    w := "foo"

Struct fields can be accessed by offset.

x := struct {
    a := "apple"
    b := "ball"
    c := 42

x[0]    # "apple"
x[2]    # 42

Struct fields can be access by field name.

x["a"]  # "apple"

Standard struct methods (cannot be redefined)

dup()       # create and return a copy of the struct
flds()      # return a list of field names (names not bound to funcs)
methods()   # return a list of methods (names bound to funcs)

Type expressions of structs:

type(struct{})  # struct
type(fooBar())  # fooBar
type(fooBar)    # type (fooBar is a type, not a thing)

self-referential structs

Sometimes it's handy to create recursive structs. A typed nil can be used to initialize such a reference.

struct binaryTree {
    value := ""     # gonna sort strings
    left := nil(binaryTree)
    right := nil(binaryTree)


Booleans are of type bool. Values are true and false and nil. In most logical expressions, nil is equivalent to false. The exception is ==, where false and nil are not equal.

true && false       # false
true || false       # true
!true               # false
!false              # true
true && nil         # false
true || nil         # true
!nil                # true
true == false       # false
false == false      # true
true == nil         # false
false == nil        # false
nil == nil          # true


In many languages boolean operators can be used on non-boolean operands and there are rules for different types as to what values are truthy and which are not. In gosh, a value of any type can be used with !, && and ||. If the non-boolean values is nil then it is equivilent to false. Any non-nil value is equivilent to true.

bool(1)             # true
bool(0)             # true
bool("true")        # true
bool("false")       # true
bool("yes")         # true
bool("")            # true
bool(int64(nil))    # false

Boolean operators

!       # not
&&      # and
||      # or
^^      # xor

Logical AND &&

expr1 && expr2

If expr1 is a bool and true, or any other type and non-nil, then expr2 will be evaluated and the value of the expression will be the value of expr2. If expr1 is a bool and not true (either false or nil), or if expr1 is not a bool and the value is nil, then expr2 will not be evaluated and the value of the expression will be the value of expr1.

If the value of expr1 is a bool and it is true, then expr2 will be evaluated, and its value will be the value of the whole expression. If expr1 is not a bool, or its value is not true, then the value of the expression is the value of expr1 (usually false).

true && 42      # 42
false && 42     # false
42 && true      # true
true && false   # false

Logical OR ||

expr1 || expr2
true || false       # true
false || true       # true
true || 42          # true
false || 42         # 42
42 || true          # 42 (42 is not false)
42 || false         # 42
"false" || true     # "false" ("false" is not false)

If expr1 is a bool and it's value is false/nil, then expr2 will be evaluated, and be the value of the expression. If expr1 is not a bool or if it's value is true, then the value of the expression will be the value of expr1 and `expr2 will not be evaluate.

&&/|| expressions

Precedence for && and || is the same, and they are evaluated left-to-right.

p && q || r     # ((p && q) || r)
p || q && r     # ((p || q) && r)

true && "aa" || "bb"       # "aa"
false && "aa" || "bb"      # "bb"
true && ("aa" || "bb")     # "aa"
false && ("aa" || "bb")    # false
true || "aa" && "bb"       # "bb"
false || "aa" && "bb"      # "bb"

"yes" && true       # true
"no" || true        # "no"

x := a == 1 && "one" || "something else"

If a is 1, then x will get "one", otherwise "something else".

quick returns

err == nil && return "meh", err
err != nil || return "meg", err
err && return "meh", err
!err || return "meh", err

Note that the following will not do what you expect:

err == nil && return "dandy" || return "failure"    ## (err == nil) && return ("dandy" || return "failure")

While this will:

return err == nil && "dandy" || "failure"

Just remember: don't put more than one return in an expression.


Standard numerical operators:

*, /, %, +, -


Standard relational operators:

==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

Structs can define an equals(a,b) method, and it will be invoked for == and != operations. If no such method exists, then the structs will be checked for equality by comparing type, then field values (but not methods).

Lists are equal if they are the same length and all values are ==.

Maps are equal if they have exactly the same keys, in the same order, and values that are ==.


The standard assignment operator is :=.

x := 1

An assignment is an expression, so this is valid:

x := y := z := 1

There is also the accumulator operator:

x += 1
y += -1
s += " moar"

And the nil-assignment:

v ?= 42

This is a conditional assignment. Only if the current value of the variable is nil will the value be assigned.


Lists can contain any/mixed types.

l := []                     # empty list
l := [1,2,3]                # list of ints
l := [1,"foo",myStruct()]   # mixed list

append is a method, and updates the list.


Values in lists are retrieved with 0-based offset:

l := [1,"foo",true]
l[0]        # 1
l[1]        # "foo"
l[5]        # error!


l := [1,2,3,4]
l[1:3]      # [2,3,4]
l[3:]       # [4]
l[:1]       # [1,2]

Standard list methods:

append(x)       # add x to the end
len()           # return the current size of the list
pop()           # return the last item appended, remove from the list
dup()           # create and return a copy of the list


Maps provide a mapping from strings to values. All maps use keys of type string.

myMap["foo"] := 23

Maps are also accessible by order assigned (0-based).

data["name"] := "george"
data["city"] := "san fran"
data["age"] := 42
data["name"] := "fred"

data["age"]     # 42
data[1]         # "san fran"
data[0]         # "fred"

Maps can be accessed with dot notation. (This only works for keys having only identifier-safe characters.)

data.city       # "san fran"

To use a struct as a key, the method hash (with 0 extra parameters) must be defined, and it must return a string.

struct morp {
    x := ""
    hash := func(m) {
        return m.x

Standard map methods:

del(key)        # remove key from the map
len()           # return the number of keys in the map
dup()           # create and return a copy of the map
keys()          # return an in-order list of the keys
values()        # return an in-order list of the values


Conditional statements are go-style:

if ... {


if ... {
} else if ... {
} else {

Note that since everything is an expression, it's acceptable to write something like this:

x := if a == b { 1 } else { 2 }


while ... {

The conditional expression of a while loop must evaluate to a bool. Anything other than a bool will cause an error.

A while loop may be terminated with a break. If a while loop completes without a break, its value is true. If the loop terminates on a break, then the value is false.

v := while true {
# v is false


Coroutine/sequence iteration:

for v in expr {

Integers can be used to iterate:

for v in 3 {
    # v has values 0, 1, 2


for v in "hello" {
    # v has character values 'h','e','l','l','o'


for v in [1,2,3] {
    # v has values 1, 2, 3

In for loops, the variable is initialized on each iteration, so it's possible to process lists of mixed types:

l := [1,"apple"]
for x in l {
    if x isa int64 {
        printf("int! %d\n", x)
    } else if x isa string {
        printf("string! %s", x)

A for loop may also include an index variable

for i, v in ['a','b','c'] {
    # i has values 0, 1, 2
    # v has values 'a', 'b', 'c'

When using an iterator/coroutine which returns n values, the for loop must have n or n+1 named variables.


Multibranch logic:

switch {
    case a == b {
    case x isa string {
    # default case

type conditionals

Since function parameters are not typed, functions may receive input parameters of any type. The keyword isa is used for type checking.

foo := func(x) {
    if x isa [int,int32] {
        return x + 2
    if x isa string {
        return x + " two"
    # implicit nil return

There is no type hierarchy, but lists of types can be used to check multiple types. There are some predefined type lists.

x isa std.Number

It is an error to use isa against a non-type expression.

x isa "string" # error. "string" is not string.

A less specific method of type checking is with hasa which checks if the object has a field or method.

x := struct {
    foo := func() {}
    biff := 1

x hasa foo                              # true
x hasa bar                              # false
x hasa foo && x.foo isa func            # true
x hasa foo && x.foo isa int             # false
x hasa biff && x.biff isa std.Number    # true


enum allows the creation of a distinct set of "symbolic" values. A variable initialized with an enum value may only take other values of the same enum.

enum Color {

If an enum value is ambiguous it can be specified with the particular type.

x := blue           # error. ambiguous
x := Color.blue     # ok

The standard function string() will return the string representation of the enum value.

An optional value may be specified when defining enums. Values must be of the same type.

enum Color {
    blue: "B"
    green: "G"
    red: "R"


enum Color {
    blue:  3
    green: 1
    red:   2

The standard function int() will return the int64 value of the particular enum.


The import keyword allows inclusion of other gosh files.

If a second invocation of the same path is found, it will not be re-processed.

import "../lib/mylib.gosh"


A pkg is similar to a struct, except there can be only one. pkg be thought of as a static struct, or as a singleton.

This can be used in conjunction with import to provide modularity.

There can only be 1 pkg command in a file, and it must be the first command, if present.

pkg mystuff

# ... any kinds of definitions/code

foo := func() {


It is an error to redefine a pkg. Since an import statement will only load a given file once, it's not a problem to "reimport" a pkg multiple times. It will only be evaluated once.


Generators are a special case of functions that produce a series of values.

g := func() {
    << "a"
    << "b"
    << "c"

for x in g() {
# prints a, b, c

A generater may use return to terminate, but it cannot return any values.

Generators with more than one series can be defined.

g := func() [i, j] {
    i << "a"
    j << 1
    i << "b"
    j << 2


A consumer is a function which iterates on an consumer.

f := func(dataStream) {
    for item in dataStream {
        # do stuff

To process multiple input streams:

f := func(s1, s2) {
    for item in s1, s2 {
        # item is from either s1 or s2


A pipeline is a series of generators and consumers where the products of generators are inputs to consumers.

numbers := func() {
    for i in 10 {
        << i

printer := func(input) {
    for n in input {
        printf("%d\n", n)

numbers() >> printer(~)

If a generator produces more than a single stream (see g() above), then the pipeline can specify where to feed each output stream.

g() i >> [ addOne() >> printer() ], j >> devNull()

Multiple series can be merged with ^.

[ genAlpha() ^ genBeta() ] >> printer()

multiple workers

How to specify that a consumer can be replicated? Use # as a multiple operator?

readLines(stdin) >> 5 # lineProcessor() >> printer()


Filters are used in pipelines to marshal/unmarshal streams of data.

  1. json -- parse input as a series (0+) of JSON documents
  2. xml -- parse input as a series (0+) of XML documents
  3. csv -- parse input as a header, followed by a series (0+) of data rows
  4. yaml -- ??
  5. words -- parse each line into a list, whitespace separated
  6. lines -- parse input as a series of lines, one string per line

Each filter will produce a sequence (0 or more) of items to be processed.

unix syntax:

ps | grep foo | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | uniq

functional syntax:

uniq(sort(awk('{ print $1 }', grep('foo', ps()))))

Each item has an implicit input (stdin) and the result of each is fed to the implicit input.

In gosh ~ is used to denote "product of previous pipeline stage"

${ ps -auxw } >> words(~) >> firstWords(~) >> regexp("foo", ~) >> sortStrings(~) >> onlyUniq(~)

but if an item in a pipeline takes only a single argument, the (~) can be omitted:

${ ps -auxw } >> words >> firstWords >> regexp("foo", ~) >> sortStrings >> onlyUniq

In gosh, the pipeline operator is >>.

To run an external command, use the ${ ... } notation. To run a multiline command (via bash) use $${ ... }. If you need command line argument expansion (e.g. *.foo) used the $$.

The value of an external command invocation like this is an input stream. That is then used as the last parameter to the next item in the pipeline.


built with Writing An Interpreter In Go by Thorsten Ball.