
convert command line args to JSON

Primary LanguageGo


convert command line args to JSON


$ ./jsonof --pretty id: @uuid created: @now foo: bar isNew: true intValue: 123 floatVal: 23.88 doNull: null andNil: nil
    "andNil": null,
    "created": "2020-12-12T20:52:57Z",
    "doNull": null,
    "floatVal": 23.88,
    "foo": "bar",
    "id": "56f2b89f-64f9-497f-ac0f-20ad6bac21ce",
    "intValue": 123,
    "isNew": true

Handy for building JSON from shell:

$ ./jsonof -p files: * pwd: `pwd`
    "files": [
    "pwd": "/Users/pkelly/zorkspace/fxr/jsonof"

Mac & Linux binaries checked in.

bash v zsh

It turns out that [ and ] mean something to zsh, and it doesn't like you using them as "normal" arguments.

To get around this (in zsh, not a problem in bash), you can prefix your command with noglob, e.g.:

noglob jsonof [ apple banana ]