
Set Variables from Lines

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Set Variables from Lines

The purpose of this helper is to set shell variables from a line selected by a pattern from a table-like text file.

For example, given this input:

Customer ID     Customer Name                            Contact Name             Address                        City         Postal Code    Country
1             Alfreds Futterkiste                       Maria Anders          Obere Str. 57                    Berlin         12209          Germany
2             Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados        Ana Trujillo          Avda. de la Constitución 2222    México D.F.    05021          Mexico
3             Antonio Moreno Taquería                   Antonio Moreno        Mataderos 2312                   México D.F.    05023          Mexico
4             Around the Horn                           Thomas Hardy          120 Hanover Sq.                  London         WA1 1DP        UK
5             Berglunds snabbköp                        Christina Berglund    Berguvsvägen 8                   Luleå          S-958 22       Sweden

and the command

sevarli -data example.data -pattern Antonio

the output is

CUSTOMER_NAME="Antonio Moreno Taquería"
CONTACT_NAME="Antonio Moreno"
ADDRESS="Mataderos 2312"
CITY="México D.F."

With the shell command eval this output can be used to set variables to be used within a shell script.

$ eval `sevarli -data example.data -pattern Antonio`
$ echo $CITY
México D.F.

If the pattern does not match exactly 1 line of the data, then the matching lines are written to stderr, and the program exits with error code 1. Scripts using this program should use this pattern:

# exit on any error
set -e

setvars=`sevarli -data example.data -pattern $PATTERN`
eval $setvars

(eval will not return an error if/when the backtick expression returns an error.)

Data Format

Columns must be separated by at least 2 spaces, across all lines of input.


First Name  Last Name
Mickey      Mouse


First Name Last Name
Mickey     Mouse

Comments can be included with either # or //.


usage of sevarli:
-pattern string   pattern to search for (*required)
-caps             convert names to caps (default true)
-data string      path to data file (otherwise read stdin)
-export           export the vars
-hide value       hide column(s) when listing
-prefix string    prefix variable name with given value
-suffix string    suffix variable name with given value

By default the names are converted to uppercase. To preserve case, use -caps=false.

Example with more options:

$ sevarli -data example.data -pattern Antonio -prefix DATA_ -suffix _VAR -export
export DATA_CUSTOMER_NAME_VAR="Antonio Moreno Taquería"
export DATA_CONTACT_NAME_VAR="Antonio Moreno"
export DATA_ADDRESS_VAR="Mataderos 2312"
export DATA_CITY_VAR="México D.F."
export DATA_POSTAL_CODE_VAR="05023"
export DATA_COUNTRY_VAR="Mexico"


Assuming you're on a mac, the best path to install is probably

go install github.com/pdk/sevarli@latest

Binaries (for mac and other platforms) can be downloade from https://github.com/pdk/sevarli/releases, but for macs you'll need to go into system prefs and allow the unknown binary. (Click the question mark in the dialog that says you cannot run it.)