
AWS Lambda w/ Typescript packaged with plain webpack (no Serverless, SAM, or other tooling)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

AWS Lambda w/ Typescript packaged with webpack

This is a simple example of using webpack to package up an AWS Lambda function written in Typescript. The configuration is pretty minimal and straightforward, it should be easy to copy into your project or modify as needed. This was inspired by lambda-typescript-webpack-babel-starter but simplified to use ts-loader instead of babel and to only provide packaging (no test frameworks). It also writes everything in Typescript including the webpack configuration itself. Unlike other examples out there this is just vanilla webpack. It does not use Serverless, SAM, or any other tooling.

Getting started

Install dependencies with yarn:

yarn install

Write any Lambda functions you want in src/. An example of a Lambda that takes an API Gateway request in, parses the JSON payload, and returns it is provided in src/api.ts. Add any new functions to entry in webpack.config.ts and they'll be built.

yarn run build

This will compile function and output them into dist/. The package script will create a zip file or you can use the files directly. Deploy by manually uploading, aws-cli, or with a tool like Terraform (my preferred option).

The handler will be {filename}.default if you are using the default export, so if deploying the sample API function the handler will be api.default.


  • webpack.config.ts - Webpack configuration
  • tsconfig.webpack.json - Typescript config used for webpack itself (which must es5 target, commonjs modules, and interop with )


I encountered a few issues using this pattern with other libraries. Primarily this was when adding in Apollo GraphQL to deploy a GraphQL server as a Lambda behind API Gateway. I've described the issues below and their solution in case it helps anyone else. Both solutions are included in the webpack.config.ts in the project since I see no harm in keeping them around.

The first was a series of errors like:

Can't reexport the named export from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)

These all referenced .mjs files within Apollo dependencies. The apollo-link-state issue #302 had the solution which is to add handling of .mjs files in resolve and in module using the built in javascript/auto type.

resolve: {
  extensions: [".mjs", ".ts", ".js"],
module: {
  rules: [
    { test: /\.mjs$/, include: /node_modules/, type: "javascript/auto" },

The other issue I encountered was an error message:

Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression" in iconv-loader.js

webpack issue #3078

module: {
  noParse: /iconv-loader\.js/,