
Zeroconf based service notifications.

Primary LanguageGo


Sends notifications via email when services join/update/leave the zeroconf multicast group. Notication options are specified in a TOML configuration file, an example config file looks like this:

ScanPeriodSeconds = 5               # Check for changes every 5 seconds.
NotifyTypes = ["email"]             # Send notifications via email only.

Service = "_workstation._tcp"
Domain = "local"

Exclude = ["lo", "docker0"]
Ip = ["ipv4", "ipv6"]               # Join both v4 & v6 multicast groups.

	[email.pdmorrow]                # Send emails to this address.
	From = "pdmorrow@gmail.com"
	To = "pdmorrow@gmail.com"
	Ssl = true
	Server = "smtp.gmail.com:587"
	Password = "???"