
Build a clone of MS Todo app using Reactjs, FabricUI libraries for web and .NET 5, Entity Framework with SQLite for ServerAPI. This project is for classroom demo purpose, not to use in commercial.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Todo App "inspired" by MS Todo :)

Subject: .NET 20.1A

How to run the server

Restore dotnet dependencies

dotnet restore

Initiate database using migration

Run the following commands in exact order:

  • This will install code generation tool

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator

  • This will init migrations

dotnet ef migrations add [name]

Ex: dotnet ef migrations add CreateIdentitySchema

  • This will apply migration configs (which located in the Migrations folder):

dotnet ef database update

Drop database & Remove migrations

dotnet ef database drop

dotnet ef migrations remove