
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Robustness Against Polarity Bias in Decoupled Group Recommendations Evaluation


Group recommendations are a specific case of recommender systems, where instead of recommending for each individual independently a shared recommendations are produced for a group of users. Usually, group recommendation techniques are built on top of common "single-user" RS and the resulting group recommendation should both reflect the overall utility of the recommendation as well as fairness among the utilities of individual group members. Off-line evaluations of group recommendations were so far resolved either as a tightly coupled pair with the underlying RS or in a decoupled fashion. In the latter case, the relevance scores estimated by underlying RS serves as a ground truth for the evaluation of group aggregator. Both coupled and decoupled evaluation may suffer from different biases that provide illicit advantages to some classes of group recommending strategies. In this paper, we focus on the decoupled evaluation protocol and possible polarity bias of the underlying recommender system. We consider polarity bias as the situation when RS in average under-estimate or over-estimate the true utility of recommended items. In experimental part, we propose and evaluate several de-biasing strategies and show to what extent are individual group RS robust against the polarity bias.


  • Patrik Dokoupil - patrik.dokoupil at matfyz.cuni.cz
  • Ladislav Peška - ladislav.peska at matfyz.cuni.cz

About this repository

  • This repository contains source codes for generating results used in the paper and jupyter notebooks for the analysis of the results. These scripts expect outputs of base recommender (ALS Matrix Factorization) and their aggregations (via group recommender algorithms) to be present. All these raw results were obtained by using implementation from one of the author's previous publication [1] and are available in the following repository: https://github.com/LadislavMalecek/UMAP2021

Project structure

  • ml1m folder contains everything related to evaluation on ML1M dataset

    • results folder contains all the results produced by ml1m/compute_metrics_aggregatedResults.py script (same as evaluation_notebook/results_ml1m).
    • data contains input data for compute_metrics_aggregatedResults.py which produced the abovementioned results. The input data can be obtained by running code from https://github.com/LadislavMalecek/UMAP2021 repository (was ommitted in this repository because of storage constraints). The expected format of the data folder (typically you do not need it unless you want to re-generate and reproduce the results directory) is following:
      • ml1m
        • sim_group_2 - file containing definition of similar group with size 2
        • sim_group_4- file containing definition of similar group with size 4
        • sim_group_8 - file containing definition of similar group with size 8
        • 1 - contains data for 1. fold
          • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
          • sim
            • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
        • 2 - contains data for 2. fold
          • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
          • sim
            • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
        • 3 - contains data for 3. fold
          • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
          • sim
            • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
        • 4 - contains data for 4. fold
          • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
          • sim
            • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
        • 5 - contains data for 5. fold
          • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
          • sim
            • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
            • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
  • kgrec folder contains everything related to evaluation on KGREC dataset

    • results folder contains all the results produced by kgrec/compute_metrics_aggregatedResults.py script (same as evaluation_notebook/results_kgrec).
    • data contains input data for compute_metrics_aggregatedResults.py which produced the abovementioned results. The input data can be obtained by running code from https://github.com/LadislavMalecek/UMAP2021 repository (was ommitted in this repository because of storage constraints). The expected format of the data folder (typically you do not need it unless you want to re-generate and reproduce the results directory) is following:
      • sim_group_2 - file containing definition of similar group with size 2
      • sim_group_4 - file containing definition of similar group with size 4
      • sim_group_8 - file containing definition of similar group with size 8
      • 1 - contains data for 1. fold
        • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
        • sim
          • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
      • 2 - contains data for 2. fold
        • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
        • sim
          • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
      • 3 - contains data for 3. fold
        • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
        • sim
          • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
      • 4 - contains data for 4. fold
        • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
        • sim
          • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
      • 5 - contains data for 5. fold
        • mf_data.npy - output of ALS matrix factorization for the given fold (2D numpy array users x items with float preferences)
        • sim
          • 2 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 2. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 4 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 4. One file per GRS algorithm.
          • 8 - contains files with final top-k predictions for similar groups with size 8. One file per GRS algorithm.
  • evaluation_notebook folder contains jupyter notebook that was used to generate plots used in the paper


Having all the data in the format produced by https://github.com/LadislavMalecek/UMAP2021 The code was tested with Python 3.9.6 (but slightly older version should work fine as well), sklearn and numpy.


  • --rating_normalization specifies the type of global normalization to use. Only possible value at the moment is "norm_shift_nonlinear" which normalizes by max(EPSILON, rating + C)
  • --user_rating_normalization specifies the user level normalization, possible values are "u_norm_min_max_scaler" (meaning min max normalization to [0, 1]) and "" (meaning identity)
  • --use_quadratic_amplification when specifies, quadratic amplification is used
  • --normalization_c the constant C used in the global normalization
  • --use_all_constants if specified, the algorithm will iterate over predefined, fixed set of constants that were used in the paper.
  • --path_prefix path to the root of the repository. If you run the scripts from the repository root itself, just pass ".".
  • --group_types string with comma separated group types, default is "sim" which corresponds to similar group.
  • --group_sizes string with comma separated group sizes, default is "2,4,8"

Running the project

cd evaluation
python3 compute_metrics_aggregatedResults.py --rating_normalization "norm_shift_nonlinear" --user_rating_normalization "u_norm_min_max_scaler" --normalization_c -0.5 --group_types "sim,div" --group_sizes "2,4,8" --path_prefix "/mnt/0"


[1] Ladislav Peska and Ladislav Malecek. 2021. Coupled or Decoupled Evaluation for Group Recommendation Methods?. In Proceedings of the Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems Workshop 2021 co-located with the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2021), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 25, 2021 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2955), Eva Zangerle, Christine Bauer, and Alan Said (Eds.). CEUR-WS.org. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2955/paper1.pdf