
Symbol-based value adaptation support for type-safe heterogeneous containers

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains a library for type-safe value adaptation which provides the most practical application in the form of type-safe heterogeneous containers, but which can be useful for various handlers and callbacks as well. The implementation uses a well-known pattern for type-safe heterogeneous containers, published by Joshua Bloch in his book Effective Java, and provides it as a set of composable elements that allow to employ the pattern in a broader set of applications. The focus on a more versatile solution is expressed by the name of the library which is an acronym for Symbol-oriented value adaptation.

As this library provides just the core for the concrete value adaptation application, see other projects that build on the top of this core, e.g., net.yetamine.sova.maps, which turns a regular Map into a type-safe heterogeneous container easily.


For building this project is needed:

  • JDK 8 or newer.
  • Maven 3.3 or newer.

For using the built library is needed:

  • JRE 8 or newer.


A special thank belongs to Atos. The development of this library would be much slower without their support which provided a great opportunity to verify the library practically and improve it according to the experience.

Another thank belongs to davej from project77.org for the permission to use his owl picture as the logo for this project. Why an owl? Because it is so cute and because sova means an owl in Czech.


The project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Contributions to the project are welcome and accepted if they can be incorporated without the need of changing the license or license conditions and terms.

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