
Automate Active Directory Enumeration using PowerView

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Automate Active Directory Enumeration using PowerView

.PARAMETER Domain (not mandatory) The Domain to enumerate for (it will attempt to retrieve the Master DC for the specified domain - if it fails, it will prompt the user to specify a domain controller) If not specified, the tool will enumerate for all the domains it can find

.PARAMETER Server (not mandatory) The DC to bind to (requires you specify a Domain)

.PARAMETER Output (not mandatory) Specify where to save the output from the tool (default is pwd)

.PARAMETER Exclude (not mandatory) Exclude a specific domain from enumeration

.SWITCH NoServers Do not enumerate for Servers

.SWITCH NoWorkstations Do not enumerate for Workstations

.SWITCH NoUnsupportedOS Do not enumerate for machines running unsupported OS

.SWITCH NoUsers Do not enumerate for Users

.SWITCH NoShares Do not enumerate for Shares

.SWITCH NoLocalAdminAccess Do not enumerate for LocalAdminAccess

.SWITCH NoACLs Do not enumerate for ACLs

.SWITCH NoGPOs Do not enumerate for GPOs

.SWITCH NoFindDomainUserLocation Do not enumerate for FindDomainUserLocation

Run as follows:

iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Leo4j/Invoke-ADEnum/main/Invoke-ADEnum.ps1')

.EXAMPLE - Run for each domain the tool can find


.EXAMPLE - Run for a specific Domain/DC

Invoke-ADEnum -Domain <domain FQDN> -Server <DC FQDN or IP>

.EXAMPLE - Run for each domain the tool can find and save output to C:\Windows\Temp\Invoke-ADEnum.txt

Invoke-ADEnum -Output C:\Windows\Temp\Invoke-ADEnum.txt

.EXAMPLE - Run for each domain the tool can find but do not enumerate for Workstations and Servers

Invoke-ADEnum -NoWorkstations -NoServers
