Convert the JSON dump from Telegram Desktop to decent HTML
This project is written in OCaml so you need a working OCaml environment to compile. Luckily it's very simple.
- Install OPAM following the official guide. Every modern Linux distribution has an OPAM package.
- create a separete switch with:
the label
$ opam switch --alias-of=4.06.1 4.06.1-TELEGRAM-JSON-CONVERTER
is your choice. Remember theto activate the switch.$ eval `opam config env`
- Install the required packages:
$ opam install atdgen core core_extended jbuilder jingoo lens merlin \ ocamlify ocp-indent ppx_deriving_yojson utop uunf uuseg uutf
- Compile with:
$ jbuilder build src/telegramjson2html.exe
The project is in a very early stage, not intended for daily use. It's largely incomplete and buggy. Be advised 😉