Instructions to execute program for CPU benchmark. 1.Open the terminal. If you want to use amazon EC2 instances then connect to it from terminal. 2.For compiling and running C++ programs , you must have g++ installed . 3.Run the following command to install g++ sudo yum install gcc-c++ 4. From terminal go to the folder where source code of cpu is saved. 5.To run the bash screept Give executable permission to it chmod 500 Then execute following command to run the bash script ./ Or Without bash script you can type following commands g++ -pthread -O0 cpuBenchmark.cpp -o cpuBenchmark.out ./cpuBenchmark.out After executing the above commands or bash script program will start running and you can see the printed output on screen. To execute the CPU performance experiment.There are two seperate programs for flops and iops. you either run bash file or commands on terminals First give read and execute permission to bash file For FLOPS EXpermiment Chmod 500 To execute bash file ./ Or Without bash script you can type following commands g++ -pthread -O0 cpuBenchmarkEXPFLOPS.cpp -o cpuBenchmarkEXPFLOPS.out ./cpuBenchmarkEXPFLOPS.out For this program output is print on screen as well txt file is created . For IOPS Eepermiment Chmod 500 To execute bash file ./ Or Without bash script you can type following commands g++ -pthread -O0 cpuBenchmarkEXPIOPS.cpp -o cpuBenchmarkEXPIOPS.out ./cpuBenchmarkEXPIOPS.out For this program output is print on screen as well txt file is created . Extra Credit : To install the Linkpack 1. Download the linkpack for linux and save it on local drive. 2. Extract that download folder on local drive. 3. Open the terminal on linux machine. 4. Go to "benchmarks" folder and then go to "linpack" folder by using cd command. for ex : if path for linpack folder is cpu/linkpackl_10.3/benchmark/linkpack execute command : $cd cpu/linkpackl_10.3/benchmark/linkpack 5. if system is 64 bit ,execute command :$./xlinpack_xeon64 otherwise if 32 bit then execute command :$./xlinpack_xeon64