How Foundation 5 handles IE lte9 support


== Guidelines CSS Wizardy

== jQuery presentation

== HTML5 template boilerplate

== draft

  1. use namespace function to create object
  2. use ifee for autoaticly create api object
  3. use revealing module pattern
  4. use helper methods rather then the for loop
  5. add init function at the bottom of method, right before return statment
  6. add main variables at the top of the method
  7. use ES6 syntax with transpiler
  8. always check if variables are available (typeof checking, lngth checking)
  9. when iterating over array always use plural/singular naming convention e.g items.forEach(item)
  10. use Web APi
  11. use native js firtst
  12. use _underscore helper function then
  13. use jQuery when nothing other helps :)
  14. use comments to point out logic
  15. use const & let rather then var
  16. prefer adding/removing css classes to perform animation/transition rather then using .hide, .show, .fadeId etc.
  17. add callbacks to methods?
  18. use promises?
  19. most uses native version of jQuery => forum <<< pobranie kolekcji elementów z dom => podpięcie eventów => chodzenie po drzewie dom => pobieranie informacji z data atrybutów => iterowanie po kolekcjach => ajax requests (ok) => pobieranie informacji o stylach elementów / pozycjach
  1. use jasmine for unit tests
  2. use nightwatch for e2e test
  3. use _defaults to merge defaults object
  4. this → bind this, loosing this in function obj, this in fat arrows, this 4 ways to checkit
  5. prototypes
  6. browser bottlenecks
  7. ajax requests handling
  8. use devtools to inspect enp.APP

== todo & current

  1. vue.js
  2. react
  3. meteor.js
  4. electron
  5. jenkins
  6. es6
  7. mongodb
  8. redux

== patterns

  1. Namespacing Pattern
  2. Dependency declaration pattern
  3. Constructor Pattern
  4. Module Pattern
  5. Revealing Module Pattern
  6. Singleton Pattern
  7. Observer Pattern (pub/sub)
  8. Mediator Pattern
  9. Prototype Pattern
  10. Command Pattern
  11. Facade Pattern
  12. Factory Pattern
  13. Mixin Pattern
  14. Decorator Pattern
  15. Flyweight Pattern
  16. Sandbox Pattern
  17. AMD
  18. Common JS
  19. jQuery Plugin Design Patterns
  20. Lazy Initialization Pattern
  21. Proxy Pattern
  22. Builder Pattern
  23. Composite Pattern
  24. Adapter Pattern

== antipatterns

  1. Polluting the global namespace by defining a large number of variables in the global context
  2. Passing strings rather than functions to either setTimeout or setInterval as this triggers the use of eval() internally.
  3. Modifying the Object class prototype (this is a particularly bad anti-pattern)
  4. Using JavaScript in an inline form as this is inflexible
  5. The use of document.write where native DOM alternatives such as document.createElement are more appropriate. document.write has been grossly misused over the years and has quite a few disadvantages including that if it's executed after the page has been loaded it can actually overwrite the page we're on, whilst document.createElement does not. We can see here for a live example of this in action. It also doesn't work with XHTML which is another reason opting for more DOM-friendly methods such as document.createElement is favorable.


== apps

  • editor
  • freshman (employees manager)
  • drawerr (errors drawer)
  • camper (frontend framework)
  • mazeboard (dashboard app)