nlw setup - habits app

Application with web and mobile interfaces (Android & iOS) to track and follow up on habits, especially those that are picked up right at the beggining of a new year. Application developed during Rocketseat's NLW Setup event from jan/16 - jan/20.


Aplicação com interface web e mobile (Android e iOS) para rastreamento e acompanhamento de hábitos desenvolvida durante o evento NLW Setup da Rocketseat entre 16-20 de janeiro de 2023.


  • React + Typescript w/ Vite
  • PostCSS
  • Tailwind
  • Radix
  • Phosphor Icons
  • Clsx
  • Dayjs
  • Axios


  • Node.js + Typescript w/ Fastify
  • Prisma ORM
  • Dayjs
  • Zod


  • React Native + Typescript w/ Expo
  • Tailwind & Nativewind
  • Clsx
  • React Native SVG Transformer
  • React Reanimated
  • React Navigation
  • Dayjs
  • Axios