
This package contains three seperate cloud functions that operate as described below.

Extract Function

This function receives an event from Gcloud pub/pub with a payload describing the instrument the user wishes to extract csv response data for. The function
matches response data to the MI fields in the database and writes a CSV file to a storage bucket defined in the EXTRACT_OUTPUT environment variable. Note that this function is specific to the mi-extract functionality and is therefore not reusable.

Encrypt Function

The encrypt function is triggered when a file arrives in a bucket, which is defined in the function configuration. The file is encrypted using the build-in Golang PGP encryption functions with the stipulated public key and the result placed in the bucket identified by the ENCRYPT_OUTPUT environment variable.

The Golang libraries allow for the streaming of data into and out of the encryption routines with the result being that any sized file can be encrypted without being constrained by memory or storage considerations.

Zip Function

The zip function is triggered when a file arrives in a bucket, which is defined in the function configuration.

The file is zipped and placed in the bucket identified by the ZIP_OUTPUT environment variable using the following file format:

mi[1]_[2]_[3].zip where:

  1. Is the name of the instrument
  2. Is a date in the format DDMMYYYY
  3. Is the time is the format HHMMSS


Google Functions Region Setting

Set the default functions region:

gcloud config set functions/region europe-west2

Otherwise, functions will be created somewhere far away in the ether...

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are available (see the testing section for details on how to create buckets):

  • PUBLIC_KEY=<path to gpg public key file> - required to encrypt the zip file

  • GPG_EXTENSION=true|false - whether to add a .gpg extension to the encrypted file. Default is false.

  • EXTRACT_OUTPUT=<bucket> - the GCloud bucket where the extracted data is places by the extract function.

  • ENCRYPT_OUTPUT=<bucket> - the GCloud bucket where the file that has been encrypted is located. Placed there by the encrypt_function.

  • ZIP_OUTPUT=<bucket> - the GCloud bucket where the file that has been zipped is placed. Placed there by the zip_function.

  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<file> - google credentials file

  • LOG_FORMAT=Terminal|Json - (json is the default) for logging messages. If you want pretty coloured output for local testing use Terminal

  • Debug=True|False|NotSet - set debugging

  • DB_SERVER=<server> - server address

  • DB_SOCKET_DIR - the name of the Unix domain socket used by the GCloud SQL instance. Should be set to /cloudsql for production deployment, unset for testing.

  • DB_DATABASE=<database> - the name of the database, defaults to 'blaise'

  • DB_USER=<user> - the database user

  • DB_PASSWORD=password - the database password