

This app should not be used as financial advice. It is a tool for information purposes and the user is responsible for understanding how it works. I am not held responsible for any financial decisions based off of this model.

Contact Me

Contact me if you need help or additional features. View my profile for information on contacting me.

How to run

To run Windows build

  1. Download zip
  2. Go to "windows_distribution" folder
  3. Open "gui" file
  4. Thats it :D

Current Features

  • Calculates interest over time. Shows interest earned as green and contributed funds in blue
  • Displays in both Table and Graphical form
  • Displays Cumulative Interest, Yearly Interest, Contributed Funds, and Total Balance for each year.
  • User can adjust average return rate, years contributing, annual contribution, and initial balance
  • Dark mode
  • Dynamic resizing
  • Change when the funds are invested

Planned features (as time permits / per request)

  • Monthly contribution (instead of yearly)
  • Can increase contributions by percentage every year
  • User Preferences
    • Graph color
    • Font

For programers

Run the file in VSCode or python interpreter

Compile new GUI

Use PyInstaller Module

py -m PyInstaller

Run Unit tests

In root directory run:

py -m unittest

Needed modules

py -m pip install tkinter
py -m pip install PyInstaller