
Primary LanguagePython


Creator: pdsatter

Language: Python

Last edit: 02/20/2021


Input a stock and bring up websites on information about that stock

Important skills:

Python3: tkinter GUI, opening websites, user menu with tick boxes


Python project used to assist in looking up stock fundamentals. Input Ticker (ex: aapl) and select which sites to go to, and my program will bring you to those web sites. This can help someone quickly open multiple sites and searching for that ticker, instead of manually doing it site by site. It will make stock research go faster.


Select stock ticker to look up (input a string)

Select which websites you want to visit (tick boxes of ones you want to go to)
Website Options: 'Seeking Alpha', 'Open Insider', 'SEC', 'Whale Wonder', 'Finra'

Hit Select to go to website
Hit Quit to exit application

Possible Future Features:

Create web version.
Let user create account and save new websites to visit.
Look up multiple tickers at once.
Pull data directly into my software.

Thanks for your interest in this project,