
Rewrite of Alfresco trashcancleaner

Primary LanguageJava


Alfresco trashcancleaner using canned queries for purging a large number of nodes from the bin.

Building the module:

mkdir work
cd work
git clone https://github.com/pdubois/trashcancleaner.git
cd trashcancleaner/alfrescotrashcancleaner2
mvn install
chmod +x run.sh


The module "alfrescotrashcancleaner2.amp" is generqted under "target" folder.

Module options:

You need to adjust to your needs the following options in you alfresco-global.properties depending on how long you want to keep the documents in the bin and how often the thrahcancleaner will run.

trashcan.cleaner.pagelen indicates the maximum number of nodes purged during each iteration/transaction.

trashcan.cleaner.cron=0 0 4 * * ?

Protecting types from deletion

It is possible to protect some types from automatic deletion by the trashcancleaner by overriding trashcanCleaner bean definition under shared/classes/alfresco/extention in a *-context.xml file.


	<bean id="trashcanCleaner" class="org.alfresco.trashcan.cleaner.TrashcanCleaner">
		<property name="nodeService">
			<ref bean="nodeService" />
		<property name="transactionService">
			<ref bean="TransactionService" />
		<property name="protectedDays">
		<property name="dictionaryService">
			<ref bean="DictionaryService" />
		<property name="jobLockService">
            <ref bean="jobLockService" />
        <property name="searchService">
            <ref bean="searchService" />
		<property name="pageLen" value="${trashcan.cleaner.pagelen}" />
		<!-- Set of type that must be protected from deletetion -->
		<!-- results in a setAddressSet(java.util.Set) call -->
		<property name="setToProtect">
			    <!-- Example: QName of type to protect -->
				<!-- value>{http://www.alfresco.org/model/site/1.0}site</value -->
				<!-- THIS TYPE MUSE ALWAYS BE PROTECTED: {http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}archiveUser -->
		<property name="nodesToSkip">
        <property name="cleanerMaxRunningTime">

Protecting some specific nodes against deletion

It is possible to protect some specific nodes against deletion by the trashcancleaner specifying a value for trashcan.cleaner.nodestoskip in alfresco-global.properties. The value is a comma separated list of nodeRef to protect.



Limiting duration of execution

Execution time of the cleaner can be configured specifying trashcan.cleaner.cleanermaxrunningtimein alfresco-global.properties. Time is specified in miliseconds. Next time cron expression will trigger, execution will resume.



Control webscripts are available to disable, enable trashcan clean at will


 curl -v http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/login?u=admin&pw=<your pw>
 curl -v
 curl -v

Note: disable might take a bit of time depending how fast query retrieving elements to get rid of performs. You need to use ticket returned while executing first line in the example above.

Example of properties that must be defined in alfresco-global.properties

trashcan.cleaner.cron=0/30 * * * * ?


When installing the module with the Module Management Tool (MMT) spcify the "-force" option or remove manually "slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar" from the module.