
Flattens nested json files and converts it to multindex pandas dataframes.

Primary LanguagePython


Code snippet which flattens nested dictionarys. As such it offers the functionality to directly convert json data to a multindexed pandas dataframe.


Download json2multidf.py and use as shown in the example.py.

Performance Comparison

Most code snippets for flattening a dictionary are recursion based (e.g. http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/21033/flatten-dictionary-in-python-functional-style). While a non-recursive formulation is syntactically not as nice, it offers better performance in Python (especially on larger and more deeply nested json files).

[s] Fake dataset Yelp dataset
Non-recursive 3.1979 7.2744
Recursive 1 3.4391 8.8872
Recursive 2 3.5939 9.7790